Chapter 9

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Now I'm driving to my house to get Kylie .After a while I finally arrived to the house .

"Kylie are you ready "I asked her walking in the kitchen to where she was at .

"What are you guys doing "Mom asked us being her noisy self .

"I decided to give part of Katherine's gift now "Kylie told mom grabbing her phone of the charger .

"What is it"Mim asked writing down on some paper

"She's taking me to the Flawless Laser Center to enlarge my lips a little .

"Oh isn't that gonna be painful for you guys "Mom shook her head to the thought of it .

"I don't think so "Kylie told my mom.

"We'll have fun you to ,oh and Kat graduation is tomorrow you can invite Justin and you need to go buy your outfit and I need to schedule Glam team tomorrow in the afternoon for you"Mom explained to me as I walked out the door.

"OK"I screamed closing the door.

Kylie and I walked out the door and into my car .

"I miss you Klys "I exclaimed

"I know I miss you too little sister even though I saw you last night "She laughed

Kylie was wearing a white crop top and white jeans with blue kols and her hair wavy.

 "Yeah about last night I have to tell you something "I told her starting the car and driving out of the drive way

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"Yeah about last night I have to tell you something "I told her starting the car and driving out of the drive way.

"What is it "she asked me

"Well after I left the party last night I went over to Justin house "I started off

"What happened "she squeaked

"Um we told each other how we feel and now we're dating "I told her slowly then next thing I new she was screaming in my ear .

"Omg this is big are you finally happy "she smiled at me .

"Yeah I am happy and you're the first one to know "I smiled at her .

"I can tell he make you happy "She smiled at me .

"Yeah he really does"I told her pulling onto the highway.

"So are you inviting him to your graduation first or are you gonna tell the family about your and Justin relationship first "Kylie asked typing on her phone .

"I think tonight I'm gonna tell the family then invite him to my graduation since he's like also a family friend "I explained to her

"Ok but does he gets like jealous when guys look at you when you do VS"Kylie asked laughing at me .

"No like this morning he told me he had to do a Calvin Klein photoshoot and like I just put my head down blushing and he was like now i know how he feels when I do all those magazines "I explained to Kylie and she laughed at me .

"Oh my gosh"she breathed

After our laughing fit I pulled up to Flawless Laser Center

"Hello how my I help you "A lady at the front desk asked us as we walked in

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"Hello how my I help you "A lady at the front desk asked us as we walked in .

"We have an appointment for 2:00"Kylie told the lady

"Oh the Jenners right down the hall the door is waiting for you "The lady told us looking at her computer.

"Thank you"We told the lady.

We walked in the room and saw the doctor and who I think is his assistant.

"Hello ladies please sit down I'm Dr.Austin "The Dr.Austin greeted us .

"Hello"Kylie and I greeted him.

"Okay you guys are here for lip fillers so who wants to go first"Dr.Austin said reading his clip board .

"I think I'll go first since I was the one who told her it wasn't scary "Kylie explained to the doctor .

"Okay so lay back and lift your chin facing me "the doctor instructed Kylie ."Okay so I'm gonna put 3 small liquid bottles into your lip for a nice size "The doctor explained to Kylie.

The doctor slipped the needle into Kylie's bottom lip then upper lip .

"Okay by the time I'm done with your sister you should see a difference "The doctor told Kylie and she nodded ."Okay Katherine are you ready "she asked me .I nodded my head and laid down on the chair that Kaylie was just in .

"Okay since Kylie lips are a little pit more bigger than yours I'm gonna but 2 and a half of small liquid bottles in your lip"the doctor explained to me the procedure .

The doctor slipped the neddle into my bottom lip then my upper lip .It felt like a little pinch .

Right when we were done the doctor had us wait a little so the fillers can kick in .

"Okay you guys ready to see the aftermath "she asked us

We shook our head "I'm a little nervous though"I told them and they laughed .

"Don't worry it suits you guys "she told us .We nodded and she handed us a big mirror and right when we saw the results it was shocking

"Oh my god i love it "Kylie and I said in sync

"I knew you would love it "The doctor told us .

After a while we left the place and sat in the car ."okay fine ,I'm glad I did this "I signed

"Thank you "Kylie smiled big .

Here was Kylie before and after

Here was Kylie before and after

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And here were mine

And here were mine

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