Chapter 12

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So today I am moving out the house and I cant wait this is so exicting. Kim.Kim has been helping me find a place to live .

"Okay that was the last box"I yelled to the people who were helping me move out .

"I can't believe your actually moving out"mom says shedding a tear

"Mom I'm only 1 block away from the house and if it makes you feel any better here's a key to my house only for emergency like if i'm like half dead that is when I'm okay when you can come in "I told her handing her and my sisters a key

"So when is the house gonna be ready"Kylie asked me

"Like right when we get there because those boxes where just pillows and my computer and door mirror"I told them walking down the stairs

"Okay come on I want to see the new house since you didn't have none of our help"Kendall says

"Would you guys be surprise if I said I even cooked for you guys "I asked them

"Oh come on now I got to see this house "Khloe says

"I feel like Khloe is excited for the food then will just past out in the guess room"Kim says laughing

"I'm nervous "Kourtney says looking at me then starts laughing

"Mom did you see the house yet"Kylie asked her

"No like she wont even let me be near the place"Mom exaggerated

"No I told you don't look at the house yet I want it to be a surprise "I corrected her causing them to laugh

"So you decorated the whole house yourself" Scott asked

"Kinda like I had asked Kim and Khole advice on pillows and flowers and stuff for outside "I told them

"Can we go to see the house now because you guys are making me nervous"Mom asked

"Yeah we can go now"I told them walking out the door .

I started driving everyone towards the beach

"Are you living on the beach"Scott asked me

"Not really but like close "I answered him

"Oh my god this is my favorite beach"Kourtney exclaimed

I drove up the rock material driveway where on the side there are like bright flowers

I drove up the rock material driveway where on the side there are like bright flowers

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"Oh my god the outside of the house is so beautiful are they real"Kim asked me

"No they're fake if they were real they would of had died by now"I told them

"Wait before we go inside how much did the house cause"Cait asked me

"In total the house cause $5,000"I told Cait

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