Chapter 3

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Katherine POV

School is finally over yes .As I was putting away my stuff my art teacher Mrs.Mun walked up to me ."Congratulations "She told me then just walked away ."Okay that was awkward "I mumbled to myself.

As I was closing my locker I got a text message from Justin telling me that he is outside waiting.

(KUWTK ) -When I do that it means that their doing the thing that they do in the show where they talk to the camera

Im still like nervous after my conversation with Kim about Justin and I relationship like I don't know where we stand right now and it's a little scary .


I walk out the building and saw Justin sitting on his red Lamborghini.

I walk out the building and saw Justin sitting on his red Lamborghini

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I walked up to him and hugged him."Is your hair purple "I asked him ruffling my hand in his hair .

"First thing you say to me after you didn't see me for a week is ,is your hair purple "Justin questioned me .

"Okay fine hello Mr.Bieber"I greeted him in a fake British accent.

"Well hello beautiful "Justin responded pushing me towards him by my waist so we were hugging.Finally after 3 minutes he lets go and pecks my neck.

"So can I drive "I asked him

"If I say yes will you promise not to crash my car"He said being serious.

"I promise "I swore to him.

After a little more of begging he finally gave me the keys .I got in the car and started it and started driving .

"So where are we going "I asked him still driving .

"I don't know let's just explore the central of LA"Justin said while texting on his phone.

"So if I tell you something promise me that you won't give me a look"I asked him making a left turn.

"What is it "Justin asked while stopped texting for a minute.

"So Kylie want to go and get her lips plump and she wants me to do it with her"I told him trying not to laugh.

"Omg it depends if you want to do it "he told me laughing hard .

"It's like I want to but not really I just don't want to have big lips"I told him finally laughing to what I'm saying .

"okay just think about it before you actually do it and you end up hating it "Justin said giving me advice .

"Oh my god I'm scared"I told him parking his car .

"Why"Justin asked me finally learned looking at me

"Because my teacher just came up to me and was like congratulations "I told him laughing again

"For what"Justin asked laughing with me .

"I don't know she just said congratulations then left like she said nothing"I told him getting red.

"Oh my god you're turning red "he laughed at me .

"Stop laughing then"I told him trying to breathe.

We finally stopped laughing and started exploring central of LA like where all the stores are at .Justin grabbed my hand and we started walking with his bodyguard behind us .

We were having fun and all until the paparazzi started following us .We tried to get rid of them but it wasn't working .

"Justin,Katherine are you guys dating "A reporter asked us as we were walking .These people can be so annoying sometimes and as a celebrity you can't blow up or that's makes you the bad person.

"Where you wanna go"Justin whispered in my ear since it was sorta loud.

"Let's just go and get ice cream from around the corner "I told him and he nodded.

We walked around the corner and Justin thought it was right in that corner but it wasn't ."Justin it's not right there it's on the other corner "I told him.

"Okay let's go"he said grabbing my hand again.Right now it was so awkward because Hollywood life reporter was behind us and I can feel him down my neck.

"Derek can you tell him to move back I can like on my neck"I told Justin's body guard and he nodded telling the reporter.

But like always the reporter refused saying it was his job.Like I know it's your job but aren't there boundaries in being a reporter or a human being .Like we're all humans you don't have to stalk us 24/7 .

We finally arrived at the ice cream place and order what we wanted .We waited on the side with Justin at the counter and me behind him with my arms around him.

We waited on the side with Justin at the counter and me behind him with my arms around him

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"Thank you"Justin and I said grabbing our ice cream from the lady and paid her .

"So when are you done with your tour "I asked him as we sat down at a table

"Next week is my last time then I am on break but I still have interviews"He informed me and I nodded .

"Okay so you said you were gonna tell me who your song All That Matters was about "I told him and he nodded eating a spoon fill of his vanilla ice cream.

"So tell me"I begged him using my puppy eyes.

"You're so adorable and I will tell you later .

"Fine"I signed and kept eating my ice cream.

"I promise I will tell you soon"He promised me .

After eating we hung out until he dropped me off my house and left .

"After school tomorrow you have a photoshoot for Pink"Mom told me as I walk up to my room.

"Okay"I told her walking in my room and doing my night routine and going to sleep before I got a text

Juju 😍😝-goodnight beautiful

I smiled then finally went to sleep

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