Chapter 8

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Justin POV

I finally told Kat how i felt about her and it felt good and especially the events it led to.Shes probably the one and is different from the other girls i date.I woke up from my slumber just to see that Kat was gone and so was all her stuff

I woke up from my slumber just to see that Kat was gone and so was all her stuff

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.Did I really just get played.I guess i just rushed and should stop ,i guess she didn't really feel the same as i did an that this was just was painful game.After mourning the fantastic events that happened i decided to finally get out of bed and get something to eat .

Walking into the kitchen I saw a stack of pancakes on the counter .Which is confusing because I don't know who made the pancakes.Then the front door opened and Kat comes jogging in in sports wear sweating with her hair in a pony tail.So she didn't stand me up."Hey I tried waking you up but i guess you didn't want to"Kat explained to me and then pecked my lips walking up the stairs.

"Wait so you didn't leave"I asked her following her upstairs and into my room and saw her searching for some of her clothes she leaves at my house.

"No why"She turned around and asked me .

"No reason just wanted to know"I lied not wanting to hurt her feelings by telling her what I really thought.

"Oh my god you thought I left you after last night"She asked me stopping what she was looking for and walked up to me.

"No"I lied scratching the back of my neck

"Oh my god you did"She exclaimed then got closer to me and took my hands and put them on her waist then wrapped her arms around my neck pulling us close together.

"I meant what I said last night and I don't regret the actions i did last night "She told me and peck my lips with her soft ones.

"I'm sorry I accused i just don't want to get get hurt like last time"I told her truthfully

"And you're just have to trust me "She told me

"I trust you "I told her truthfully

I pulled her into a kiss for minute adding a tongue causing her to moan and pull the strands of my hair causing me groan.After a while we pulled away.

"While I have to go I'm going to hang out with Kylie.

Kat walks into the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on.I walk back downstairs to eat those pancakes

Later on Kat comes out the bathroom and walks into the kitchen wearing a maroon long sleeve mini shirt dress with a jean sweater wrapped around her waist.

Later on Kat comes out the bathroom and walks into the kitchen wearing a maroon long sleeve mini shirt dress with a jean sweater wrapped around her waist

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"So what are you going to do today "I asked Justin taking a bite out of his pancake standing between his legs as he sat on the counter.

"I have a Calvin Klein photo shoot today at 2:00"Justin told me and i put my head down trying to hide my blush.I guess Justin noticed because he laughed and lift my head up pecking my lips."Now you know how i feel when you do those Victoria Secret photo shoots and runways.

"Shut up"I laughed smacking his chest playfully.

"Well i just saying the truth"Justin laughed.

I moved in the living putting on my black vans

"While I decided to go to Flawless Laser Center with Kylie "I told him tying my shoes

"So you decided to get you lips bigger"He clarified

"Yeah like now my lips are so skinny and I just see my sisters with medium size lips like its not even fair"I explained to him laughing

"Just don't get them to big where its looks like you got hit a basketball again"Justin laughed

"Oh my god that was totally you're fault"I exclaimed at him .

"You should of never had been in the way"Justin laughed

"You were the one who said get in front of me the ball is not going hit you "I mocked him.

Well I'm sorry"He apologized to me.

"Yeah yeah bye let me go and get Kylie"I told him walking towards the front door

Justin ran behind me and turned me around and peck my lips ."Have fun"he whispered to me .

"Bye"I told him and pecked his and a little bit sucked on his bottom lip causing him to groan right before he can make the kiss deeper i walked out the door .

"Ill get you back for that"he screamed back to me.

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