Chapter 5

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Kris POV

So the guys and I been working on Katherine's surprise party and its going well until I get a call saying that they forgot to make the cake .

"What do you mean they forgot it's their job to make cakes "Kim says .I know that Kim has been stressing and I know that she really want to do this for her baby sister so that is just adding on to more stress.

"I'll go to the back up cake place and get the cake "Khole says leaving out the door.

"Mom when did you tell Kendall to bring Kat"Kourtney asked me blowing up the balloons with a tank with the help of Mason.

"Around 11 so we have like 5 hours left"I answered her texting Kendall what Katherine should wear to the party.

After awhile we finished decorating the house and all the guess were here .I see Justin walk into the house and hug Kylie .So being the parent I am and wanting to be in my daughter's life and being out of the loop I'm gonna ask him about it to see what he's gonna say about it .


I walk over to him and hug him."Hey Justin it's nice to see you"I greeted him.

"It's nice to see you to Kris how have you been"he responded .

"I've been good so how have you been with tour"I asked him trying to get him comfortable then ask him about the Katherine thing.

"It's been good and all"Justin says smiling .

"Well that is wonderful so I've been looking on Twitter and see that people been saying that you and Katherine are a thing and I know that's not true but are you guys gonna become a thing "I asked him really wanting to know .

"Well I'm deciding whether to ask her today or tomorrow "he told me .


"Right when he said that I was so happy my little girl is growing up to be a wonderful young lady "I wipe my tears .


"While that's great I hope she says yes "I told him we said out goodbyes and he went to hangout with his friends and Kylie .

"She's coming "Khole says into the microphone.We all his and turned off the lights and heard the door open.

"Kendall if I fall I'm hurting you "Katherine threatened Ken making Kendall laugh

"You won't I promise "Kendall told her leading her into the house .

Then the lights turned on "Surprise "everyone screamed.

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