Chapter 11

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Today is my birthday and today is the day I'm opening up my store K Rose with a fashion show then people can see the store.I knew opening up a store was a lot of work but I know it was that much work like I had to hire people,customize the store and its huge,plus I still have to finish 5 outfits and 3 hours with that I have to get ready and at the place to see it in 2 hours to make sure everything is in place so I only have an 1 and that's to get ready and out the house to the place.I need an assistant like a this very moment."Hey is anyone home"I yelled in the backyard since that's was where I was working because I needed to work and air.

"Kat,Kat"Mason,Penelope,and North yells running towards me and hugging my waist.

"Hello kiddies are they're any adults inside"I asked them

"Klo,Mommy,and Kimmy"Mason answered me

"Can you guys get them quick"I asked them while working on my last outfit.


I'm really stressing that I feel like I'm about to pass out from all of this and I still need to get out the house an hour and 30 minutes


"Hey you need help"Khloe asks

"Yes can you guys take the bags and put it in my truck"I asked them

"Yeah sure "Khloe says and took the bags

"Are you okay"Kim asks

"Not really I have to be out the house in 1 hour and 28 minutes dress and ready to go to the place to see if the models and if everything is ready and I feel like I'm about to pass out"I told my older sister honestly.



Its kinda hard to see my baby sister struggling to do this to the point where she feels like she's feels like she's gonna pass out I want to tell her to take a break but she has an hour to out the house and she doesn't have an assistant so like Im gonna be her assistant to help her get out the house on time


"Okay I'm gonna help you right now to get you out the house ,so you have have 59 minutes go get ready and Kourt and I will make sure you have everything"i told her and Kourt nodded

"thank you guys so much"Kat hugs us and ran up the stairs.

"Okay lets put all the boxes that are in the living room in the car"Kourt says an we walk back inside and started moving boxes in and out


I finished taking and picking out my outfit which look sassy ,classy,and professional.Now Im cleaning my face with proactive so i don't get stress acne because I am happy with my acne free face.I put my heels on and then put my hair in a pony tail.

I put my heels on and then put my hair in a pony tail

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