Chapter 4

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So today is Friday and the whole family been acting funny.I have nothing plan so I decided to hang out with Ken .I put on my on a white crop sweater and my black jeans with beige combat boots.

"Kim I'm leaving so you have the house to yourself"I informed her walking out the door

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"Kim I'm leaving so you have the house to yourself"I informed her walking out the door.

I walked to my car with one of the camera guys following me to film the show .I drove to Kendall's pent house and walked in.

"Kendall you ready"I screamed walking down the hall to her room


"Kendall and I haven't had a sister bond time since she came back and me being busy with school so I thought maybe that we can go out to eat and talk about things "


"Let's go little sister"Kendall says walking out the door .

We walked to my car and got in and drove to Ricardo's this new Italian restaurant.

"So how have you been I haven't seen you like in a week"Kendall tells me as we hand the waiter our menus.

"I've been good so how you been with modeling "I ask her sipping from my mango lemonade.

"It's been good so how's school"Kendall asks me looking me in the eye.

"It's been good but sometimes I feel like my mind is like half way somewhere else"I explained to her

"and what is that"Kendall asks looking up from her phone.

"It's the me and Justin thing again"I signed



"I feel like this whole thing is on Kat's mind and it's starting to bothering her and she doesn't know what to do"


"So what are you going to do"I asked her looking her because she looking nervous right now .

"I don't know like I want something to happen for us but it's like he's not ready like with finishing with the tour and me finishing school I don't know where that is leading us to "Kat explained to me rubbing her face with her hand.


"I knew that Kat was having a hard time with the problem but I didn't know she was feeling like the way she is now"


"You're just gonna have to see how it plans out "I told her as our food comes out .

"I guess you're right but anyway why have you and everyone been sneaking around lately around me "Kat asked me beginning to be curious almost making me sweat .


"Okay I'm nervous that I might slip it out about tonight's event but I'll just have to lie to her"


"I don't think we've been sneaking around I just think we've just been busy"I made up texting mom telling her when I will bring Katherine home to change .

"Okay I guess"Kat said uncertain about it .

"So tell me you're almost 18 what are you gonna do after high school"I asked her .

"I don't know I probably want to enter my design to Victoria and keep modeling and just hang with family "Kat told me


"Knowing that she wants to do that with her future the surprise party is gonna be so epic for her and I'm proud to be her sister"


We finished eating and went looking around and taking pictures with fans until it was finally time for me to take Kat to my place so she can get ready.

"Hey Kat we're gonna go out so dress fancy but causal"I told her walking in my place .

"Okay"she told me walking in my closet where she keeps some of her clothes and make up while texting .


This is gonna be so fun I can't wait to see her face when she walks into the place it would be an amazing moment


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