Chapter 16

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Lately there's been videos of Justin smoking and now my mom wants to talk to me about it .To be honest I can care less Justin can do whatever he wants to do with his health.I can only support him.It's not like I didn't talk to him about it , I did he just said it's not an everyday thing so I don't I put on my clothes that I can wear to the beach.Since justin wants to go on his yacht with his siblings.

Since justin wants to go on his yacht with his siblings

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"Mom"I call her looking for her in her house

"In here " She directed me going upstairs .

I found her in "her closet " .It was actually Kendall's old room that she had turned into her closet .

"So you called " I tell her

"I called you to talk about Justin smoking and you hung up on me "Mom looked at me smiling since the cameras were rolling for Keeping up With the Kardashians


Do we really have to talk about this I'm such in a good mood I don't want to ruin it with this conversation


"Bye "I say walking out "her closet "

"Do you really wanna kiss a smoker"Mom yells from upstairs as I was walking down the stairs and towards the door.

"Love you "I scream walking out the door.

Now I have to walk to the beach where Justin,Jaxon and Jazzy are at

Justin POV

Today my siblings ,Kat and I are hanging out in my yacht .Now we're just waiting for Kat

"Justin where's my girlfriend "Jaxon asked me ,leaving me confused

"Who's your girlfriend"I asked him

"Kat duh"Jaxon said like it was so obviously

"No she's not"I say to him

"Yes she is "Jax corrected me

"Nuh uh"

"Huh uh"

"Nuh uh"

"Huh uh"

"What are you guys talking about "Kat walks to us , Jaxon jumps on her and she caught him in her arms .

"Aren't you my girlfriend Kitkat"Jaxn asked using the nickname the kids gave her .

"Of course "She smiled

"Told you "Jaxon says rubbing it in my face only if he really knew

"Where's Jazzy"Kat asked

"Sleeping "I answered her

Kat walked inside the yacht and came back out with a laughing Jazzy on her hip laughing .We all got in the water and I couldn't help but noticed Kat's bathing suit

We all got in the water and I couldn't help but noticed Kat's bathing suit

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"Justin are you gonna marry Kitkat"Jazzy asked me .I looked at Kat and saw she had a shock look on

her face

"Where did you get that from ?" I asked her confused to where she got that idea from

"I saw the ring on Kitkat's finger and mommy said you get a diamond ring when you are getting married "Jazzy explained to us

causing Kat to look at me surprised

"Oh we're not getting married Jazzy "Kat tells her

"Not yet "I smirked leaving a shock face on Kat again

"Can we get ice-cream "Jax asked as we got the back to the dock leading to the boardwalk

"Let's go then " I tell them we walked into Mario's ice-cream store.We all got ice-cream and exploring cool things.I see the way my family acts around her before we were dating .Like it was ,like they thought we were dating and saw it in our future .They love her especially my parents and my siblings .

Maybe I will marry her

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