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"Everyone we are making a detour!" Kristina says to the rest of the group.
"Where are we going?"Jetzely asks.
"Why don't you tell us anything?"Maria asks.
"Why don't you shut the hell up..." Kristina responds.
"Hint taken." Maria says and turns around.
"So where are we going,actually?" Elizabeth and Devin ask Kristina.
" To head office duh..." Kristina says
"Ohhhhhhhh" they both say in recognition.
They head out of the forest,and go into the wreck outside the smoothie shop.
"SMOOTHIES!!!" Elizabeth shouts.
"We don't have time for that" Kristina says calmly.
"PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE!" everyone pleads.
"FINE! but if we end up dying i will haunt you it the afterlife." Kristina says mater-of-factly,and gets awkward looks from everyone.
They enter the deserted sore,and they see the cashier in a awkward heap on the ground.Maria lets out a surprised gasp,while Kristina jumps over the register and goes into the kitchen.
"Are we allowed in there?" Katia bellows to Kristina.
"Its an apocalypse!!!!" Kristina replies.
One by one they jump over the counter,and come up to Kristina who is holding several smoothies.She hands each of them one,and a scream rings throughout the whole building.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Maria and Jetzely scream out and grasp each other.
"Come on." Kristina says and rolls her eyes.
"What was that?" Gaby ask with curiosity,as they pass a Russian guy who is crouched in the corner in a chefs outfit grasping a knife.
"LLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY!" He shouts and gets up and swings the knife in front of katias face.
"Don't worry he's delusional."Kristina says to a worried Katia.Elizabeth comes up behind him and hits him hard in the back of the head,and he drops in front of Katias feet.Maria and Jetzely look mortified by the violence happening in front of them.
"I don't think those two are cut out for this." Devin whispers to no one imparticular.
"Neither is Nathan,but he's still here..." Anyssa mutters.
The group heads past a door with their smoothies in hand. Anyssa speaks up " Next spot HEB!"
"Why would we go to HEB?" Katia asks.
"Duh,its an apocalypse,so no one would mind if we stole some junk food and back packs. Yeah! And then we could go to the gun store and-"
"Can we go to HEB then?" Devin asks.
"Fine,but if one of you stalls for anything I'm leaving your sorry butt at HEB." Krisitna says flatly.
"Yeah!" Anyssa shouts.
"About time you agreed to something Kristina" Gaby says.
"Why do you think we're in here?!" Kristina says gesturing to the store.
"Let's just go... " Katia says tiredly,as a lady runs toward the group and grads Maria.
"Gde moy muzh?"Lilly,the Russian lady, asks.
"AHHH!" Maria screams and shoves the lady off of her.
"Vy znayete angliyskiy?"Nathan asks.
"What the hell?" Kristina says and turns to Nathan.
"It's Russian." he says quickly as they have a conversation.
"Elizabeth hit the women and let's get out of here!" Kristina says frantically.
"Okay" Elizabeth responds and walks over to the women, but Nathan is blocking her screaming Elizabeth had to get through him first. Elizabeth pushes Nathan aside thinking that hes to weak,and hits the women out of consciousness.
"Well that was a good show let's go." Kristina says as Nathan moans in
agony.Just then, the door swings open to reveal another person on the other side of the room.
"Like I'd ever do that... " Elizabeth mutters and moves to the other side of the wall.
"Anyone got a knife?" Kristina asks in a whisper.
"Here." Gaby whispers and tosses Kristina a knife from out of the wall. Kristina hurls the knife blindly,and hears a successful thump.
"Let's go,proceed with caution." Kristina says.
"What are you a safety manual?" Anyssa says and trots into the other room. Kristina facepalms herself,and heads after the others.
"RAMON!" Anyssa shouts.
"What's up cousin?" Ramon says and pulls the knife out of his sleeve.
"The sky." Elizabeth says.
"Now,first things first..." Ramon starts, " Who in the hell threw this knife at me!" Ramon picks up the knife accusingly.Everyone immediately points at Kristina.
"Some friends...." Kristina mutters and steps up adjusting her sleeves nervously,and rest her hand on her hip,"So...hows it goin?"
"Of course,Dotson...Well besides being killed,and an apocalypse starting in pretty good myself,you?" Ramon replies sarcastically.
"Whatever. Come on guys, I ain't got time to babysit." Kristina says and heads out the door.
"Some team you got." Ramon says.
"What?" Kristina says and turns back.
"Kristina... We got to go" Katia says
"One minute" Kristina says and faces Ramon, "I don't see a team by your side,so I don't think you got a privilege to criticize mine." Kristina ends l, and Anyssas face winces.
"We'll see in the end." Ramon days creepily.The team heads out,and heads towards the HEB looming in the distance.
"What's his problem... In the end like what the hell... He ain't got not one person with him, so why does he consider himself tough. He's always been like that one cocky son of a bitch, a Jackass,a-"
"I think we got it Kristina." Anyssa and Gaby say.
"Why the hell did you wince back there Nissan? You ain't scared are you?" Kristina says.
"Nope." Anyssa replies," I just know the truth." She mutters to herself.

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