Back with the Good Side

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"She betrayed us!" Katia screamed.
"I thought she actually cared about us!" Elizabeth screams.
"I thought she was NICE" Meagan says.
"ENOUGH!Look I'm in charge,and I know Kristina wouldn't betray this team. She put all her effort just to get us here. We can't just give up!"Devin screamed.
"Actually, we can. Look Devin, I'm all for those 'never give up' slogans, but I mean Kristina more than likely isn't coming back." Meagan said hoarsely.
"But what if she is?" Devin asked.
"Well, did she say anything to make you believe that." Katia asked.
"Well, kinda." Devin replied not really sure.
Everyone screamed at Devin.
"Because I wasn't sure but here goes" Devin replied and began to explain how Kristina said she was going to send a signal for Elizabeth to come to her.
"Well where is she?" Elizabeth asked.
"That's the thing I don't know." Devin said and sat down.
"What?!" Katia asked.
"Well she said she was going to Ramons team, and she said she would send a signal. That's all she said." Devin gave as an excuse.
"Hmm...well let's get to business." Gaby said speaking up.
"Which is what exactly?" Devin asked.
"Clearly,your stupider than I thought." Gaby said and headed to her backpack to take out her plans.
"Gaby? What are you doing?" Katia asked.
"Well, I had been working with Kristina. You know how I always kept my mouth shut. Well, I was planing the whole time. Thinking what are next move would be,and what we should do. Kristina always gave subtle hints that she was going away and where she was going. I made a point to write them down. Now, all I need to do is solve the 'riddles'" Gaby said making quotation marks with her fingers,and pulled out a binder. Everyone rushed to Gaby as if she were thier saviour from dying.
"Well, we should be expecting more attacks,and we need a better team leader." Gaby said as they all looked at Devin.
"No offense,but your kinda clueless." Gaby said and pulled her binder closer to her.
"Fine, we will have an election tomorrow morning,but we need to get some serious sleep." Devin agreeded and climbed into his tent.
"Well, I'm gana go too." Elizabeth said and left to the tent she now shared with Katia because of Meagan's arrival.
"Well bye guys." Meagan said yawning and left.
"Bye Gaby." Nathan said and left slowly to his tent.
"Well, time to fool proof my plans." Gaby muttered to herself and climbed into her tent.

The next morning:

"Election! Decide here today" Meagan yelled as she stood in front of a table with a box on it.
"Are we going to have to say a speech or something?" Devin asked looking nervous.
"Yes." Elizabeth said sharply.
"I want to what both sides will benefit to the team." Katia said as she talked to Jetzely about politics.
"So Devin first?"Elizabeth asks casually.
"I guess... " Meagan said and sits on top of the table.
"I think I should be in charge, because Kristina said that I should. She basically handed the leadership of this team to me. That is my reason you should pick me as leader." Devin said.
"BOOOO!" Nathan yelled as a girl dressed in black and red, wearing knifes and guns strapped to her belt approached behind him. Devin pointed and stutered. Nathan turned around and flopped on the ground. Just then, Nathan's,everybody do the flop, ringtone started going off.
"Well hello. It would have been better if my presence gone unnoticed,but all the same I have to kill you all. The name is Yura by the way, nice to meet you." Yura explained as she towered over Nathan.
"Likewise." Katia said and ran to her backpack.
"Don't bother." Yura said sharply and threw a knife at her direction. Katia stumbled backwards ,causing her to crash into Devin,sending them both to the ground.
"Be careful!" Devin screamed pushing Katia off him.
"Oh, and your such a wonderful team leader." Katia said sarcastically.
"Anyone got a gun?" Gaby asked as Yura stood laughing triumphantly at them.
"Here!" Meagan said and tossed Gaby a gun.
"Hey, that's no fair. Why, you have six people while I'm only one." Yura whined and stuck her pointer finger in the air.
"Guess your gana need backup" ElIabeth says as Yura pulls out a gun.
Nathan stands up behind her and walks slowly toward a big branch.
"Your going to be sorry you threatened to mess with me." Yura said with a smile as she examined the guns on her belt.
"Don't move or I'll shoot you." Gaby said.
"I don't quite believe you. Your hands are shaking a bit, sweat sliding down your face, and your voice a little shaky. Hm.... I don't think your ready." Yura says and plucks a pistol from her belt.
"Get prepared to die." Yura finnaly says,and everyone else shouts now as Nathan comes up behind her and whacks her in the head three times. Gaby shoots her once, and says,"Just to make sure."
"Well let's us proceed with the election." Meagan said and heads back to her table.
"Time for Gabys speech." Jetzely says and steps over Yura's body.
"Well, I think I should be leader because I had been discussing plans previously with Kristina. For example, I know where to get food. I know where the information we need is,and most importantly I dont just let my teammates trip and fall." Gaby says and fake coughs while saying Devin.
"Okay. Everyone place your votes." Megan says and puts in hers. Everyone gets a piece of paper,and writes a name.

Katia; Gaby
Elizabeth; Gaby
Nathan; Devin
Gaby; Gaby
Devin; Devin
Meagan; Devin
Jetzely; Gaby

"Well looks like Devin...." Meagan starts.
"Yay!" Devin and Nathan cheer.
"Lost." Meagan finished.
"Oh,.." Devin says as Gaby pats him on the back.
"Nice doing business with you." Gaby says and goes up to the front.
"First, we have to look for Lily and the other Russian dude." Gaby said.
"Kristina said that they owned a company for jets. Ramon uses jets for transportation. All we have to do is find them. We are going to the smoothie place just out side to the left of the forest." Gaby said as she reached for her backpack.
"So break camp, and get ready. It's gana be a long ride." Gaby said and started taking apart her tent.

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