Stealing Planes and Jets

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*There might be errors. Did not proof read it*

"Hey what plane do you want?" Katia asks.
"Whichever one will open to this key." Jetzely responded and started testing which jet would be opened by the key. One by one they started testing the key to every plane they saw.
"So......" Katia said clearly bored.
"Do you think Anyssa and Kristina betrayed us?"Jetzely blurted out.
"I don't know. I think Anyssa would be capable of it, but Kristina....." Katia cut off in mid sentence as a tear streaked down the crease of her cheek.

Katia remembered how she and Kristina had meet. They meet when Kristina switched her PE period to seventh period. Where, eventually she meet Katia. They talked a lot and had a connection after a while. Katia couldn't bear to believe Kristina would leave her after all they had been through. Suddenly, Katia had a change of emotions and turned against Kristina. She tried to be logical about the matter, but she couldn't find a reason why she would leave with Anyssa. Kristina and Anyssa had a strong bond somewhat to. She only wondered if her bond with Kristina could beat out Anyssa's and somehow bring Kristina back to her.

"Um.... Katia?" Jetzely said bringing Katia back to the present.
"Yes." Katia responded.
"The jet..... it's not" Jetzely started as Katia made her way to her and laid her eyes on the plane.
"Holy shit." Katia muttered as she stared at the wreck of a plane.
The plane looked like it could only carry a paper. Much less people. The plane was rusted in some parts,and the question of whether it worked or not still remained.
"Um.... Can't you just find another key?" Katia said and instantly knew that Jetzely couldn't. They were short on time and Gaby would leave them without hesitation. They were stuck with the plane.
"Well...... guess we should wait." Jetzely said as she sat on a step which creaked loudly. Jetzely got off quickly and took a spot on the floor.

"Hm..... " Devin hummed to himself as he tried to grab anything useful for thier journey.He finally spotted a map of Alaska,and instantly his thoughts were sent elsewhere. He thought of Anyssa and how she was doing. How he would do anything to save her. He thought of how Kristina basically took Anyssa from him. He wondered where exactly was Anyssa and if she would ever feel for him as he did for her.
He snapped out of his Anyssa induced trance and began to look for anything edible.

Elizabeth approached some hideous looking guards,and plastered a fake smile on her face. She walked what she hopped was sexy toward them. The men stopped talking to glance at Elizabeth. They saw her as a possibility that they never had. Little did Elizabeth know was that they saw her as if she was a god. Fancy walk or not. But of course Elizabeth being oblivious to this tottered over to the guards and tried to remember what Gaby told her.
What does she know? She has never flirted with a single guy! Unless you count the one at McDonald's,but she was just trying to get a bigger serving of fries without paying, Elizabeth thought.
I'm going kill Gaby after this. Elizabeth thought as she batted her eyes at the three men.
Hm.... I wonder if they're anything like the three stooges. Elizabeth thought to herself and opened her mouth to speak.
"Ish Baka desh ka!" the better looking of the men said.
"Ugh......." Elizabeth said confused by their language. Elizabeth thought of a reasonable thing to do but couldn't find one. Finnaly, she decided to use hand gestures.
Elizabeth swayed a hand side to side at the base of her neck. Meaning that she can't talk. They understood her and Elizabeth looked for the youngest one. She spotted the one in the back. In her opinion, he looked the best out of the three. He looked like a regular teenager about a year or two above her age. She decided she just needed a good distraction,so Gaby could quickly get through.
On an impulse she grabbed him and pulled him close into a kiss. He was surprised at first but then gave in. Of course, he was Russian which Elizabeth found out latter, but he did speak English.
Gaby ran quickly behind the cheering men and snapped a picture of the Russian guy and Elizabeth.
I knew this would happen,Gaby thought to herself happily as she mentally scratched another item off her bucket list. Suddenly,she felt a presence behind her and remembered Nathan her personal translater.
Yes! Gaby screamed inside her head,Proof!

Nathan and Gaby left inside the building leaving Elizabeth. They ran into many angry Russians along the way. Finally, Gaby and Nathan found the Russian couple they were looking for. Sadly, the Russian couple didn't know where Ramon was exactly only that they knew he was going to Alaska. When they asked to borrow one of their planes the couple said they had to pay. Nathan and Gaby left the building and grabbed Elizabeth who was still kissing the Russian guy. The Russian guy followed after them even when they ran towards the jet area. They found Katia and Jetzely near a battered jet,and screamed at them to get in. Gaby looked behind them to see security running after them. Not to mention the Russian guy, Russian couple, and a confused looking chef. Gaby and the others jumped into the plane but the Russian guy shook his head and pointed at another plane. They all ignored him and attempted to start the plane.
"SHIT!" Gaby screamed.
"SHIT!"Elizabeth screamed.
"SHIT!" Nathan screamed to everyones surprise.
The jet suddenly had smoke blowing from everywhere. The jet was expieriencing engine failure even though it wasn't off the ground yet.
The Russian couple came up to the plane and started to climb in.
"OUT!" the Russian guy said and grabbed Elizabeth moving her into the safety of the other perfect plane.
Lilly, the Russian wife, grabbed Gaby.
"Let go! Unicorn! Bannana! Zombie! Ramon!" Gaby yelled and the woman dropped her as soon as Gaby yelled Ramon.
Jetzely was pulled out by the angry chef. He waved a butcher knife at her and Jetzely ran as fast as her legs could take her. She ran toward Elizabeth and the Russian guy,the chef in pursuit.
Katia followed the chef hoping to get to the plane with Jetzely providing a proper distraction.
Devin choose this perfect moment of chaos to finally come out with supplies,and looked around very confused as the Russian husband tackled him.
"JESUS!" Devin yelled as he tumbled to the ground covered with gravel. The Russian husband punched Devin in the eye,and Devin bit down hard on a exposed part of the Russians neck. Devin pushed him off him, quickly gathered the supplies, and sprinted toward the plane as the Russian sobbed while cradling his red neck.
Devin scouted into the backseat with Elizabeth.
"Well this is the best day of my life." Devin said and stared at a very shocked Elizabeth.
"Why?!" Katia yelled as she hopped in the plane along with a sweating Nathan.
"Well we didn't die!"Devin screamed threw his head back and laughed.
In the front of the plane The Russian guy battled the tired chef. Finnaly, the chef gave up and hit the ground next to the Russian wife Lilly. The security looked through the smoke trying to locate everybody.
"Is it possible to like someone who doesn't speak your language?" Elizabeth asked staring at the Russian guy dreamily. Everyone stared at Elizabeth with wierd expressions and finally Gaby and Jetzely can't in and took a seat in the back.
The Russian guy came in and looked at the group pausing for a while to examine Elizabeth.
Katia thought how it would be possible for them to like each other if they didn't speak the same language.
"We have to hurry,and I need a co- poilot." The Russian guy said and everyone stared at him not daring to speak a word.
"Yes I speak English. We will talk about that latter. Also, my name is Artyom, prounonced Art-I-Um" Artyom said and reached out his hand to Elizabeth.
They headed to the front of the jet and took off.
"Why does she get all the luck?" Katia said curiously.
"I don't know." Gaby responded.
"But I always knew she would end up dating a Russian guy. All  that is left is Devin and Anyssa, Katia and some Hollywood dude,and Kristina and.....Hmmm I'll have to think about that one." Gaby said and stares out the window.
"This is going to be a long ride." Devin said as his face flushed.
"Sure is...." Katia said as Gaby began to talk about unicorns possibly being real.

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