At last,Alaska

21 0 17

***Warning! Somewhat long and is not proof read.***

"Here we are folks." Artyom says as he lands thirty miles away from Ramons base. Elizabeth wakes up and rubs her eyes and suddenly realizes it is cold. Elizabeth begins to shiver when Artyom tosses her a think woolen sweater,shirt,pants,socks,and shoes in a box.
"Everyone good back there?" Artyom asks as Katia,Gaby and Jetzely can't the wall and Devin and Nathan quickly change.
"I feel kind of intruded but besides that were fine." Gaby says.
"Speak for yourself, I'm hungry!" Nathan yells into the intercom and tugging on his shirt which is a centimeter to short.
"We'll get food in a bit."Artyom replies and cuts off the intercom.
"I miss McDonald's" Gaby mutters as Nathan and Devin finish changing.
"Can we turn around now?" Katia asks sounding annoyed and irratated.
"Yep." Devin replies.
"You look like a snowman. Fat and white." Gaby says pointing at the wool in his jacket.
"Well we can't all look fashionable in an apocalypse." Devin replies and gets out of the jet along with Nathan to meet with Artyom.
"Okay how do we do th-this" Gaby asks gesturing to the clothes. Jetzely and Katia ignore her and immediately start changing.
"Okay..... " Gaby says and changes quickly and grabs Kristinas old backpack.
"Gaby why do you still have Kristinas backpack?" Katia asks and stares at the backpack as if it is a bomb about to go off.
"It has useful information." Gaby states and pulls out a 4 inch blue binder labeled 'PLANS'.
"Wow that's big." Jetzely says pulling on her shirt.
"It had to be." Gaby says as she makes her way across,to the door, and hops out.
"I think there is something she is not telling us." Jetzely says and looks into the distance where Gaby walked.
"Yeah, like WHATS IN THE DANM BINDER. Sometimes you are so clueless Jetzely." Katia replies and face-palms herself.
"So I have been told,but how are we going to get the binder?" Jetzely says.
"I got a plan." Katia says and rubs her hands together,"but we will need help and by that I mean Artyom."
"Hm..... Sounds worthy." Jetzely says as they both hop out of the plane.

"What took you two so long?" Artyom asks Jetzely and Katia.
"Ugh.... Changing issues." Katia says and shrugs her shoulders.
"Okay...... But you missed half of our plan." Artyom replies sounding confused.
Katia counts heads and sees that Elizabeth is missing,"Where is Elizabeth?"
"She went to go look for food." Nathan says as he hold his stomach.
"We are in Alaska,there is no food." Jetzely says.
"What Nathan meant is she went to go raid Ramons base." Gaby says.
"BY HERSELF!" Katia screams worriedly.
"Sadly yes,but I advised her to proceed with caution and if she found it to risky just to look and retreat." Artyom replies calmly.
"If she dies I'm blaming you." Katia says as she and Jetzely sit down on the snow.
"Okay so this is the plan. Devin said before Kristina,whoever that is, left she said she would send a signal for Elizabeth to go and get her. Our plan is to wait for that signal. Shall that signal not come soon enough we will have to infiltrate the base. Gaby won't let us see what is in the blue binder,so that won't help us. Also, everyone is being assigned jobs. Devin's job is to take care of the jet. Nathans job is to watch us at night, so he might be sleeping in the morning. Jetzely your job is to make sure everyone is here. Also, your going to be our construction team. Gaby, you are construction team and you will make sure no one does of hypothermia. Katia your job starts when we get Anyssa. We are bringing Anyssa back with us by force. A cage is in the plane for that designated reason." Artyom explains as Devins face drops.
"What is your job?" Gaby asks feeling cheated.
"Me and Elizabeth's job is to gather food start fires and supervise." Artyom explains as Elizabeth come running back with a sack.
"Look!" Katia points and runs up to meet Elizabeth.
"Your alive!" Gaby shouts.
"What did I tell you?" Artyom says.
"I was so sure she was going to die." Nathan says sounding half disappointed and half happy.
"Well I brought back bread,milk,and butter." Elizabeth says.
"How?" Katia asks finally being logical.
"Well I meet this girl named Violet, and she said she knows Kristina. I told her that we were going to try to get her out,and she gave me this stuff for our 'journey'" Elizabeth answers.
"Well then let's eat!"Nathan says jumping to his feet.
"No, we need to save it."Artyom replies to everyone's disappointment.
"Excuse me.... " Gaby says as she moves to the front and stands in front of Artyom,"but who is in charge here?"
"Oh, I wanted to talk about that." Artyom says and stands up on the block Nathan was sitting on.
"I think we should have a change of leaders. I think I will be more beneficial to this team." Artyom starts and Gaby interrupts.
"Excuse but we have had three different leaders in this team and we don't have time for another failure." Gaby says.
"Well, to be fair you are hiding things from the team overall. Also, I haven't seen you do anything beneficial to the team. You can't handle the majority of the work needed." Artyom protest calmly and sympathetically.
"Guys?! Come on Elizabeth!" Gaby says panicking.
"Um...." Elizabeth says as she looks between Gaby and Artyom.
"We will have another vote. Except, whoever wins gets the blue binder and leadership of the team." Katia compromises.
"This binder was given to me by Kristina." Gaby says and clutches it to her chest. Gaby never realized until threatened to be removed that she cared about her leadership.
"Well we haven't seen you do anything useful with it so...." Devin adds.
"Um....guys." Nathan says staring into the sky.
"Shut up Nathan." Gaby says as the rest of the group argues for leadership.
"Ugh.... Guys." Nathan repeats.
"What!" They all shout as Nathan points to a guard flying in the sky.
"Run." Artyom whispers and grabs Elizabeth.
"Oh yeah you can save her... " Katia says and ducts under the jet with Jetzely.
"Ironic." Katia whispers and points at the jet and spelling Jetzely's name in the snow and underling Jet.
"Wow." Jetzely says.
Nathan runs in a random direction as Devin follows Elizabeth and Artyom.
"Where are you my enemies!" The guard also known as Roger says as he approaches the jet. He looks inside as Jetzley and Katia clutch each other.
Roger looks under the jet and spots Katia first.
"Oh there you are!" Roger replied and grabs Katias by her jacket.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" Katia yells and thrashes in Rogers grip.
"Oh no." Artyom whispers as he hears Katias scream from a distance away.
"I'll be back. Stay here." Artyom says lovingly but assertively and kisses Elizabeths forehead. He runs towards the jet and sees Roger flying towards Jetzely.
"Hey! Over here!" Artyom shouts and waves his arms over his head.
"Oh, a new edition I see." Roger says rather creepily.
"Here crazy lunatic pervert! Over here!" Artyom continues as Roger comes back to the ground and lunges toward Artyom.
Artyom slides to the side as Roger lands headfirst into the snow. Artyom quickly runs to Jetzely and Katia and tell them to start packing immediately.
They nod thier heads as Roger gets back up.
"Hey do you know how powerful I am even when I don't use my supreme powers. You can't just mess with me." Roger replies.
"Yeah Anti-supreme powers." Artyom replies dusting snow off his jacket.
"Please I have Anyssa at the base who will take revenge if you kill me,and trust me you don't want to mess with my future wife!" Roger says and chuckles to himself.
Devin hears from his distance away and faints in the snow.
"Devin!" Elizabeth shouts and kneels down to help him.
"So.... Time to die" Roger says and sprints in front of Artyom.
Artyom punches Roger in the face and Roger staggers back. Roger regains his balance and pushes Artyom. Artyom lands in the snow and Roger pulls out a knife from his boot.
"This war is going to be a blood bath." Roger says and throws his head back and laughs. While he is laughing Elizabeth,who is carrying Devin, sneak into the jet.
Roger swing downward towards Artyoms chest. Artyom rolls over and trips Roger in the process. Roger blindly throws his knife which catches Artyoms hand.
"Asshole!" Artyoms screams and pulls the knife out of his hand and throws it at Roger. It hits Roger in the arm and Artyom walks over.
"Guess it's your time to die." Artyom says casually and pulls the knife out.
"AHH!" Roger screams in agony as Artyom looks back at the jet to see Elizabeths sad face. Artyom sees it's not pointed at him but to Roger.
Artyom realizes he learns something new about Elizabeth everyday. He can't kill Roger. At least not in front of Elizabeth. It would be to much for her.
"You are saved." Artyom says and pulls Roger up. A mixture of relief and agony crosses Rogers face.
"Not for long." Artyom whispers into Rogers ear and pushes him toward the plane.
"My people will miss me." Roger says.
"They probably will think that your dead." Artyom replies as Gaby hands him handcuffs. Artyom puts one of Rogers hands in a handcuff and the puts the other handcuff one a pole attached to the jet.
Gaby hands Elizabeth the keys and squats in front of Roger.
"Yes sweetheart?" Roger says sarcastically through his teeth.
Gaby smiles a mischievous smile and smacks him across the face.
"Ow!" Roger says and his face twist in agony. He reaches a hand to yank Gabys hair,and comes an inch to short as Gaby pulls back.
"Ha!" Gaby shouts and pushes the air above her.
"Wow Gaby." Devin says flatly as everyone stares at Artyoms hand.
"What do we do?" Elizabeth asks Artyom.
"Well it can't stay uncovered for long or it will dry up and get infected or worse." Katia says locking for a tourniquet.
"Found this!" Jetzely says and tosses it to Elizabeth.
"Someone go get some snow from outside." Elizabeth orders and wraps the tourniquet Jetzely found around Artyoms hand.
Artyom winces,"Sorry!" Elizabeth says immediately.
"It's okay continue."Artyom says and waves his good hand toward the tourniquet.
"For such a stupid person you cause a lot of trouble." Devin says to Roger.
"Sorry okay! But I got order." Roger says and tries to cross his arms but can't because of the handcuffs.
Elizabeth finishes with the tourniquet and Nathan comes in with melting snow in his hands.
"In a towel stupid!" Everyone shouts at Nathan as he heads back outside.
"Well Roger we are going to kill you if you don't give us answers." Artyom says breaking the silence.
"I value my life so I will cough up answers."
"Good, first question. Do you know the base inside and out?" Artyom begins.
"No, but I have a map." Roger replies and bends at an awkward angle and fishes the map out of his pocket. He tosses it to Elizabeth.
"Why do you have a map?" Artyom replies thinking that it is an unwise choice for Roger to have a map. Although, he is grateful.
"Because sometimes reincarnated souls forget things when they are brought back to life." Roger replies and looks up at the ceiling.
"So your a reincarnated soul?" Artyom asks.
"Kristina killed him." Nathan explains as he comes into the room with a bag of ice.
"How may guards are there guarding the entrance?" Gaby asks.
"About ten on each side." Roger replies.
"Where is Kristina?" Katia asks.
"She sleeps in the room next to Ramon. Basically, she is sandwiched between Ramon and Anyssa. Anyssas on the left and Ramon on the right." Roger answers.
"What has Kristina offered Ramon?"
Elizabeth asks.
"Well her sister is back so..... quite a lot. She helps him create plans and she organizes where everyone should be and stuff like that. She basically is boss with Ramon."
Everyone feels betrayed by this piece of information.
"Wait, if she is with us and does want to get out in the end there must be entrances where she left unguarded on purpose." Artyom says and takes out the map.
"Well we are going to need to learn this." Artyom says and hands the map to Gaby.
"But first we need the election before we can eat and go to bed." Artyom finishes and looks at Gaby.
"Okay." Gaby says and looks at her feet and takes a deep breath.
"I want to be team leader because I believe I can help you all. I believe I should be team leader because I can look out for you all and I have better skill than my opponent. No offense. I want your vote not to lead you to failure but victory. Together I know we can bring Kristina and Anyssa back. I have proved my loyalty by saving Jetzely and Katia from Roger. Most importantly when I win I will share the contents of the blue binder with all of you. I deserve your vote and hopefully I will get it." Artyom ended and stepped back to let Gaby speak.
"I think I deserve your vote because when I led I brought you here. I brought you out of that forest and directed you to the Russian couples. I know I didn't share the binder with you and I'm sorry. I hope you vote for me because I was here and stuck around from the beginning." Gaby finished and waited. Everyone had unconvinced looks at Gaby's speech,and so the voting began.

"Artyom." Elizabeth voted out loud.
"Gaby." Devin voted remembering how it felt to lose leadership.
"Gaby." Nathan voted copying Devin.
"Artyom." Katia voted trying to be logical.
"Artyom." Jetzely voted.
"Well there-" Artyom began.
"Hey don't i get a vote!" Roger interrupted.
"Go ahead." Gaby said hoping for him to choose her.
Roger smiled maliciously and Gaby's face drooped knowing he was going to choose Artyom.
"Artyom." Roger replied and held his head up high.

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