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"MEETING!" Kristina shouts and snaps her fingers.
"For real..... " Devin mutters and sits on the log farthest from Nathan.
"What about?" Elizabeth asks.
"Can you like wait a sec?" Katia asks and grabs a breakfast taco from Kristinas backpack even though it's midnight.
"FREEZE!" Kristina shouts,and everyone does exactly that.
"What?" Katia asks irritatingly glancing at the taco inches from her face.
"I'm assighning jobs, handing out food, and many other things during this meeting so put the taco down." Kristina replies.
"Okay, Arnold Schwarzenegger." Katia mumbles and puts the taco back in its wrapping.
"Look right now I'm appointing ever regular a supreme to guard them, because your gana need it even if you won't admit it. Ramon and Anyssa know our location,so we should be expecting more attacks." Kristina explains.
"I know no one wants Nathan,so we have to draw sticks because then it wouldnt be fair to the supremes." Kristina goes on.
"Question, whats "Regulars"?" Gaby asks.
"And how the hell do you draw sticks?" Elizabeth follows.
"Regulars are human beings such as yourself Gaby,and I'll show you Elizabeth. Get me three sticks Nathan." Kristina replies and quickly adds," Don't matter which sticks." before Nathan could open his mouth.
While, Nathan gathers sticks Kristina passes everyone one backpack filled with food and other necessities. Katia grabs it and trades with Elizabeth. Gaby barely acknowledges it,and Devin simply throws it across his shoulders. Jetzely just stares at it,as if it could attack her.
Everyone has been coping with the traitor and death situation differently. Gaby simply not talking at all. Katia and Elizabeth grabbing and hoarding anything useful. Nathan being simply his irritating self,because he didn't know Maria and didn't generally like Anyssa, because of a "Craison" ,dried berries, incident. Jetzely crying about Maria,and being cautious and doubtful about everything because of Anyssa. Kristina just pretending nothing at all happened,and puts on a strong face and leads the group no matter what.
Nathan comes back panting with four sticks in his hands,"They're coming, THEY'RE COMING!"
"Everyone hide!" Kristina whisper screams,and runs and grabs Nathans backpack, Gaby and her backpack, Jetzely and her backpack,clueless Devin,shoves them behind a bush,and grabs a knife and gun.
"Shhhhhh!" Kristina whispers to the tree and bush when she hears footsteps. Two possibly three people. Kristina thinks.
"Hello, Kristina!" Someone shouts.
"Anyssa?" Kristina mutters to herself. The traitor.
"Kristina!" someone shouts.
"Shit Ramon!" Kristina mutters and hides with the others behind the bush.
"Hmmmmmm. They definitely been here." Ramon says looking at the ground.
"Yeah looks like they packed in a hurry." Another boy exclaims and picks up a taco wrapper.
"Is that Joey?" Nathan whispers loudly.
"Shhhhhh!" Kristina says too late.
"Who's there!" Anyssa shouts holding out a gun,as Ramon bats her hand down.
"Come out coward." Ramon says matter of factly.
Everyone pushes Kristina up and out of the bush.
"Traitors...." She mumbles and makes her way around the bush.
"Ramon. Anyssa. Joey. Lisa?" Kristina says and nods at thier direction,and fixes her gaze on Anyssa.
"So how's it going?" Ramon asks not needing an answer.
"So where is the rest?" Anyssa asks.
"By the creek." Kristina responds.
"What creek?" Lisa asks.
"The one that way." Kristina says pointing southeast.
"You know, I never understood why you didn't come and work with us." Ramon says gesturing to everyone else.
"I didn't feel like working with traitors." Kristina replied simply, looking still at Anyssa.
"What?" Anyssa asks.
"Nothing." Kristina replies.
"No, your staring at me you must want something!" Anyssa shouts.
"I want you to remember who you left. I also want to inform you that Maria is no longer with us due to you." Kristina respond flatly without blinking.
"Due to me! Due to YOU,and your inability to save someone. You tramp around on everyone reaching your way to the top and once your their no one else matters. You act like this is a game where you can lose a couple of people and still win." Anyssa shouts,as a sob escapes from the bush.
"Who is your accomplice?" Ramon asks,as he makes his way to the bush.
"NO!" Kristina shouts,and shoots Ramon's hand.
"AHHH! BITCH!" Ramon screams as Joey and Anyssa point their guns at Kristina.
"Traitor!" Kristina shouts and cocks the gun,and points it at Anyssa preparing to shoot.
"Wait!"Devin shouts and runs out of the bush.
"Don't shoot!" He shouts.
"I'm right here you know" Kristina says and covers her ear.
"Shoot!" Ramon yells.
"Duck!" Kristina yells and pulls Devin to the ground,as Anyssa and Joey shoot. Devin spurts fire from the ground licking thier calves and rising upward.
"AHHH! Stop!" Ramon and Anyssa shouts,and Devin stops as if barley aware of his actions.
Ramon steps up and sticks out his hand, "Let's call this a temporary truce till me and my team move out.No one hurts anyone till the sun shines tomorrow."
As everyone comes out of their hiding spots Ramon's team becomes outnumbered.
"Huddle!" Kristina shouts and gets her team into a circle.
"Should we take it?" Kristina asks.
"No, we out number them!" Katia states.
"But we need more time!" Devin replies.
"Agreed." Elizabeth states.
"I'm with Katia." Jetzely says.
"I'm with Elizabeth" Kristina says.
"That leaves Gaby." Katia says with hope,as Gaby points at Devin.
"Well that's that, we don't attack." Kristina says and breaks the group.
"I accept." Kristina says and direct her gaze at Ramon,as he waves her hand back and forth and sticks it out again.
"Um...." Kristina says and approaches Ramon's bloody hand in a swathe.
"Shake the hand." Ramon said threateningly.
"I can't...." Kristina mutters and backs away slowly bumping into Katia.
"What's that?" Ramon asks sarcastically,"Sounds like the grand Kristina can't face the fact of what she did. Hmmmmmm.....sounds almost lily-livered." He added while Anyssa smirked at the inside joke, and the rest of the group looked clueless.
"That's not funny Ramon!" Kristina shouted angrily.
"Shoot!" The leaders of both groups shouted at the group members.

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