Step one; Infiltration

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"Okay guys gear up and then we are heading off. We have to walk so make sure you are warm. I don't need anyone getting hypothermia. And someone go and get Roger." Artyom says to the group while they all put on an assortment of gear.
"I'll go and get him." Nathan said already having made a bond with Roger over the past few days he has been watching over him.
Nathan makes his way down the pathway with keys and a gun he has to carry around.
"Hey Nathan!" Roger yells.
"Yeah." Nathan replies as he enters the room Roger is hand cuffed to a pole.
"Do you know when I get out of here?" Roger asks him desperately wanting to have some knew scenery. Truth be told Roger is able to get out of the hand cuffs. He is a anti-sepreme so all he would have to do it blast the chain or pole and he could be free. The only thing stopping him was Artyom. Nathan had a gun sure but he probably couldn't will himself to shoot me. I made a fake relationship with Nathan to get stuff out of him. I now know Devin likes Anyssa. Elizabeth and Artyom like each other. Elizabeth will avoid combat unless you punch her in the face. Jetzely is kind of the quiet one because of Maria's death, and Gaby is well Gaby. Katia is also the logical one. The only thing that can harm me or may sepremes is a shot to our left arm in the middle were most doctors draw blood from. So yes I plan to betray everyone here except for Ramon and Anyssa. I was sent by them to collect information. My injury was not planned but that was just a minor inconvenience. Soon enough they will all be dead. Roger grins maliciously.
"Heeeyyy.....Roger?" Nathan said trying to get Rogers attention.
"Oh....yeah?" Roger said being pulled back to the present by Nathans annoying voice.
"We are going to go on the mission." Nathan said. "Now."
"Oh then take off the handcuffs." Roger told him.
"Got ya." Nathan said as he took off the handcuffs with the key Artyom had gave him.
"Finally." Roger said stretching as if this is the first time he had the handcuffs taken off. Which it wasn't because he had picked the lock many times himself. He had considered killing Elizabeth one time but went against it deciding she was too much of a fighter and he didn't know where she slept.
"Okay let's go and put the gear on." Nathan said leading him through the pathway to Artyom with the gun still in his hand.
"Okay so then-"Artyom said and cut off when he saw Roger. "Nice of you to join us."
"Glad to be here."Roger replied looking around the room for only the second time.
"I'm thinking you don't need gea. So I didn't bring an extra one." Artyom told him. The truth was he didn't want Roger to go in the first place,so he was planning on getting him killed. Even if it put Nathan on the line.
"No problem being an anti-sepremes I think I'll be fine." Roger replied seeing Artyoms true purpose. Elizabeth's hand flew to her left arm unconsciously. Roger smiled at this.
"Okay then Nathan put on the gear and then we will leave in pairs."
The gear consisted of many things but the group probably didn't need to use one of those things if the mission went well. There was an assortment of knives guns and other weapons to protect themselves, but not to much to weigh them down. Next they has communication transmitters so if something went wrong or they got split up they could talk to one another. The clothes they wore were mainly black with a couple of grey patches here and there. Wool was on the inside to keep them warm.
Nathan finished putting on his gear.
"Okay are we going now?" He asked.
"One last thing." Artyom replied and took out a red and blue container.
"What is that?" Katia and Jetzely asked backing away.
"Nothing well everything. It's hard to explain." Artyom began and recieved confused looks from everyone even Gaby.
"Look this is just in case they take you or something. If they torture you you can end your life with this. Red is for girls blue is for boys. Like I said this is just a precaution please don't take one unless you absolutely need it." Artyom said taking out three red pills and three blue pills. He handed three red pulls to Jetzely, Gaby and Katia. He handed the other two blue pills to Nathan and Devin.
"What about us?!" Roger and Elizabeth said pointing back and forth at each other.
"You don't need it." Artyom replied putting the bottles away.
"Hey I don't care about Roger because he really isn't a part of this team but I am still a person of interest. I have information that will benefit the other side. They can and probably will torture me to get it and I have nothing to stop the pain they may or may not cause me." Elizabeth protested.
"Elizabeth." Artyom started and grabbed Elizabeths shoulders firmly but carefully.
"I love you and don't want anything to happen to you,and I say this as your leader and friend. I am not giving you the pill because I know you are one to panic and take the pill when you might not need it. I don't want you dying because of an overreaction." Artyom said and let go of Elizabeths shoulders.
"Nonetheless we will have a vote." Artyom said and sighed.
"Everyone who voted for Elizabeth say I." Artyom said.
Katia and Roger said I.
"Everyone who sides with me say Nay."
Nathan,Gaby,Jetzely,and Devin said Nay.
"I think that satisfies that." Artyom said.
"Now time for pairs to be given. Nathan and Roger paid. Katia and Gaby pair. Devin you are alone and will retrieve Anyssa. Elizabeth you are with me,and Katia you will retrieve Kristina."Artyom explained. "First Nathan and Roger will go after five minutes Katia and Gaby will go and then Devin and then me and Elizabeth. We will all meet there just outside the entrance. If something goes wrong during that time the code word is Violet."
"Got it." Everyone said.
"Good luck." Everyone calls as Nathan and Roger go out into the cold cruel world of Alaska.

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