More Interruptions

28 0 17

"Guys! Wakeup!" Artyom called clapping his hands together.
Katia was sleeping on the couch. Having won the spot by a game of rock paper scissors. Devin was sleeping in a corner with his hand over his eyes,showing no sign of awakening. Jetzely was sitting down her head drifting to one side. She woke up very slowly. Nathan was sleeping in the kitchen. How he got there since he was originally on the floor in a different room no one knew. Although, Artyom said he heard 'slapping' noises at night. Elizabeth got one bed in the back of the plane,and Gaby had somehow took Nathans recliner during the night.
They all woke up yawning, stretching, and groaning about how it was still super early.
"Wait! Where is Roger!" Katia screamed when she didn't hear the disturbing voice that had been in her dreams.
"Over here." Roger said half annoyance and half tired.
Katia let out a sigh of relief and sunk into the couch.
"So how is breakfast coming?" Gaby asked suddenly recognizing her hunger.
"Coming." Artyom replies and shrugged his shoulders.
"Well I'll go and wake up Elizabeth so she can bear my pain with me." Katia said not being a morning person. She heads down the pathway almost falling a couple of times.
"Everyone go and do your jobs after breakfast." said Artyom as he passed out pieces of bread and water to everyone.
Gaby stared at the food for a while wondering how life came to a single piece of bread. "Um..... No offense but I'm starting to feel like I'm Amish."
"Deal with it." Devin said devouring his rather small piece of bread in the corner.
Gaby pushes her bread into her backpack while Nathan raised his hand moving it in violent motions.
"Yes?" Artyom asked slightly annoyed by Nathan.
"I need to use the bathroom." Nathan whispered rather loudly as Katia and Elizabeth came down the pathway.
"Um.... We have limited toilet paper here so....." Artyom said at lost for what to do.
"Ugh..... I really need to Gooooo!" Nathan wailed loudly.
"SHHHH!" Jetzely said trying to eat her last pieces of bread in peace.
Artyom ran down the pathway and came back with a single roll of toilet paper. He tore of five little squares.
"Here." Artyom said as Nathan grabbed them ripping one and ran out the door.
"Anyone else need to go?" Artyom asked while Elizabeth shamefully raised her hand. Artyom tore off ten pieces and handed them to Elizabeth.
"Nobody tells Nathan." Artyom said as a high pitched squeal came from outside.
Elizabeth looks outside the window and turns back to the group.
"We've got company." She replies and grabs a knife from the table that Artyom used to cut the bread.
"Okay everyone...try not to die." Artyom said quickly as everyone ushered out the door.
Nathan ran around helplessly as a tiny stout figure ran after him telling high pitched battle cries.
"I ship it." Gaby says as they stated at them. Katia rolled her eyes and then noticed the tiny army of them running across the snow.
"AH!" Jetzely screamed clearly not made for battle.
"Well we have to try to do something." Katia said as she noticed everyone was just staring.
"Oh yeah..." Artyom said as he and Elizabeth ran towards the little demonic tiny people.
Elizabeth threw a knife at one penetrating it's skull. Immediately,it started to shift into a greater form. It grew taller and changed appearance into a boy about the same age as them.
"Oh no." Elizabeth said as the boy charged at her.
"FOR RAMON! FOR FREEDOM! FOR ALL!" The boy shouted.
Just then the whole army turned into boys and girls of various ages,sizes and shapes.
"Any known weaknesses?" Artyom shouted to the others.
"There should be one in the plans binder!" Gaby shouted across to Artyom.
"Then get it! God danm it Gaby!" Katia shouted at her running away from a man. Suddenly the man dropped to its knees and changed into a panther. Black with dirt brow eyes staring at Katia with hatred.
"AHH!" Katia yelled as it leaped for her. It attached itself to Katias back as Katia squirmed around. She yelled for help.
"Hm... Shapeshifters." Elizabeth mumbled to herself.
Gaby and Nathan were trying to beat one up by grabbing it before it could transform into some animal. Nathan started banging the half man half animal in the head delaying the process.
"You have to say stuff!" Gaby yelled coming out of the jet.
"What the fuck are we supposed to say?!" Elizabeth yelled angrily trying to beat up a girl by slamming the girls head into her knee. The girl had previously punched Elizabeths face which had caused her a bad eye and a horrible temper.
"Something disgracing thier leader. Or someone the like. I'm thinking Ramon." Gaby said as all the army stopped and stared at Gaby.
They all looked at her with interest. Waiting to see what she was going to say. Let me try this out, Gaby thought.
"Ramon sucks?" Gaby tried and suddenly all of the army clamped thier hands to their ears as if it hurt to hear the words Gaby had said. Once over thier rather dramatic pain they charged at Gaby and Gaby only.
"QUICK DISTRACT THEM!" Gaby shouted as Katia hit a random girl. The girl barely flinched and continued to run at Gaby.
"Wow." Artyom muttered.
"RAMON IS A TOTAL JACKASS!" Elizabeth yelled triumphantly placing her hands on her hips and lifting one knee in a dramatic pose.
The whole army succumbed to the floor rolling around with expressions of great pain on thier faces.
"Ramon is a horrible person?" Jetzely tried.
Once again the whole army covered thier ears and a couples of them died.
"Yay they're dying!" Gaby said in excitement glad to have them gone.
"Ramon is.....Ramon is..." Nathan tried to think of something to contribute.
"Oh I know!" Devin said.
"Ramon makes horrible ship names. Ramon always makes mistakes. Ramon is horrible in every single way." Devin said in a sing song tone.
"Did you rehearse this?" Gaby asked with curiosity.
"It just came to me." Devin replied as he shrugged his shoulders.
"Well they're dead." Katia said and looked at the bodies fading away slowly only to leave thier body prints in the snow.
A zip can be heard behind a snow pile as Nathan walks out. A smell fills the air as the sun slowly decends.
"GROSS!" Jetzely screams in disgust and smacks Nathan on the head.
"Guy.... Um if they sent Roger and whatever the hell those things were shouldn't we invade already." Devin asked still wondering about the presence of the monsters. And Anyssa. "Way ahead of you." Artyom replies and heads back inside as the rest follow except for Nathan who is shut outside.
"First, you guys said you needed a sign. All I have seen is exactly nine glints of a mirror at exactly 11:30." Artyom tells the group once he shuts the door.
"How did you even see that?" Devin asks.
"Duh I have been doing investigating unlike you dimwits." Artyom says.
"Hey! I'm actually very smart!" Katia says and stands straighter.
"Good. Everyone who votes Katia smartest out of all of you. Excluding me of course. Raise you hand." Artyom responds.
Everyone raises thier hand except for Nathan who can hear everything through the door. He has his ear pressed firmly against the metal.
"Okay, so Katia you will be in charge of making sure we have the best paths possible to enter. Something goes wrong and many people are in that path it falls on you." Artyom replies and points at her. Katias mouth drops open and wondered why she didn't just shut up.
"Next, who is the bravest?" Artyom asked as everyone pointed in different directions.
"Okay.... Elizabeth or Jetzely." Artyom said trying to make a decision.
"Elizabeth." Everyone answered in unison.
"Great,you will make sure the coast is clear for us to proceed." Artyom says and points to Elizabeth.
"Next we all know that Nathan is the sacrifice so don't be afraid to give up his life for yours." Artyom said in a flat tone and started to move on.
"WHAT!" Nathan said and yanked his ear of the door. A thin layer of flesh tore off causing Nathan to bleed. He yanked the door open and started screaming and crying about how it was unjust how he got treated.
"Nathan unless you have a special ability you would like to share your job is sacrifice." Artyom replied camly.
"I can make sure no one follows us." Nathan suggested.
"Devin." Artyom replied.
"I can grab useful materials."
"I can help find Anyssa."
"Found her."
"I can persuade her to come back with us."
"What about help in battle."
"Everyone else but you!" Artyom replies annoyed with Nathan. Look Nathan I'll change your role just shut up!" Artyom replied to Nathan.
"Thank you." Nathan whispered actually believing Artyoms words.
"Well you all basically heard your roles so all that is left is for you to look at the map. Learn the equipment you will be carrying and we set out tommorow at eleven thirty." Artyom replied.
"TOMORROW!" Gaby shrieked.
"I don't think we'll be prepared."
"Sooooooooooooo many things could go wrong."
"I doubt we even got a shot!"
"Eh we could do it."
"Who said that?"Everyone looked around at each other. Waiting to see who the positive "happy camper" was. "I said we could do it of we actually tried hard enough." Roger replied.
"We?" Everyone said in shock.
"Yeah we what do you expect to leave me chained here!?" Roger asked.
"Plus I blend in and know the base inside and out." Roger added.
"To risky. We can't let you." Artyom made the decision quickly and swiftly but Roger persisted on.
"Come on what's the worst I can do? Plus you need me. You ain't got a chance without me." Roger replied and waited to hear the final verdict.
Elizabeth walked up to Artyom and whispered,"Hes got a point."
"Thanks a lot queen of the obvious."
"Yeah...buuuuut it will be more beneficial if we take him and Nathan could watch over him. Fulfilling your promise to Nathan and getting extra help."
"Fine fine you win."
Elizabeth gave Artyom a quick squeeze and turned back to receive the help.
"You can help but shall you turn on us Nathan will kill you on the spot." Artyom replied and handed Nathan a gun from Kristina's old backpack.
"Can I be uncuffed?" Roger asks jingling the hand cuffs.
"Puh-lease take what you can get." Elizabeth replied as they all walked away to go inspect the map and gear they needed.

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