Artyom (See picture)

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"Okay, let me check if I got this straight." Elizabeth starts.
"You can speak English,but you are from Russia. You were with those guys because they captured you and took you here. You think I am nice and brave, and you are very good at combat." Elizabeth rants.
"Well that's the basics... " Artyom says. Elizabeth watches him steer the jet with caution. Loving him more every moments that passes. Loving the strength, passion, and leadership that she saw in his hands.
"How can you say I'm nice if you don't know me?" Elizabeth asks with self doubt about herself.
"Why do you like me?" Artyom throws back.
Elizabeths face flushes crimson red and she immediately turns toward the window.
"I-How do you... " Elizabeth says thinking out loud.
"I can just see it in your eyes." Artyom replies gently and reaches for Elizabeth's hand. Which, she gives, greatful for assurance that he feels the same.
"But how do you like me of you don't really know me?" Elizabeth asks another one her question again. Still looking for more assurance and understanding.
"I like you when you kissed me. At first I admit I was very confused." Artyom replies and chuckles. Elizabeth smiles when she hears the sound of him laughing.
"I found that you were brave and I wanted to know more about you. When I saw the chance to stay with you I took it without hesitation. I like you because you kissed me for your friends to pass even though you didn't know me,so I found you....striking." Artyom finishes and clicks a button on the control panel and the planes starts driving automatically. He types in a series of digits and finnaly faces Elizabeth. Artyom places Elizabeth hands in his and looks into her eyes.
"The question is do you like me?" Artyom asks.
Thoughts race through Elizabeths mind. OMG! Elizabeth thinks to herself.
I don't know if this will work out,one voice in Elizabeths head tells her.
Of course it will you just have to have faith and love will bind you together, another voice says. Elizabeth thinks it thoroughly and comes up with her answer.
"Yes." Elizabeth replies as her and Artyom share a passionate kiss.
"Are you done in there?" Gaby asks through the intercom.
"Um......" Elizabeth says as she pulls back from Artyom.
"Can you hear us?" Artyom asks.
"Every word." Katia and Devin reply flatly.
"Shit." Elizabeth says and looks down at her feet. Artyom taps her head gently and gets back into his seat.
"Are we any closer to Alaska?" Gaby asks after a long stretch of awkward silence.
"About three hours more and we should be there. Might need something warm for yourself." Artyom replies casually.
"We found some clothes back here." Nathan practically screams as the intercom turns off.
Artyom turns off the intercom and holds switches the plane back to autopilot. He and Elizabeth sleep and lay back the rest of the way to Alaska.

In the back of the plane;
"Elizabeth probably has all the luck because she has been in draught of it for most of her life." Gaby responds to Katias question.
"One, that was a rhetorical question. Two, she's not that old Gaby." Katia responds.
"Can we please change the subject?" Devin asks.
Katia glares at Devin,"You will not speak unless you are spoken to!"
"I have rights!" Devin argues.
"Oh yeah so do I!"
"SHHHH!" Gaby says as Elizabeth and Artyoms voices come out of the intercom.
*Elizabeths and Artyom conversation can be heard*
"What did I tell you Gaby!" Katia scream whispers.
"Shush I might be able to use this against her just in case." Gaby says and listens intently.
"Evil much." Nathan mutters from his corner.
"I think it's nice Elizabeth found someone." Jetzely says.
"Well it's not for certain they are going to last. I mean there is an appocalypse going on." Devin suggests.
"I wonder why we haven't been getting attacked lately." Nathan says stupidly.
"Thanks a lot Nathan now we are for sure to get attacked,and there is no wood around to knock on to reverse the jinx." Jetzely says and glares at Nathan.
*Elizabeth confeses her love for Artyom over the intercom.*
"Danm." Devin says until Gaby Finnaly replies into the intercom.

*This second section of the chapter is what happened before and during Elizabeth and Artyoms talk*

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