If you die I'll shove your soul back in your body and kill you myself!

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"Up that tree!"Kristina says and points to it.Everyone runs to the tree,and Kristina helps everyone up. Just then, Nathan comes over exhausted and out of breath and looks at the tree with total hatred.
"I got this one." Krystal says and points to Nathan surprising Kristina.
"Oh okay, be extremely careful!" Kristina says quickly, and quickly kisses Krystal on the forehead.
"HEY KRISTINA WHERE DO WE GO!" Someone shouts into the distance.
"COMING!"Kristina says and scrabbled up the tree quickly.
"Okay chubby up you go..."Krystal says with extreme strain in her voice from attempting to push Nathan up.
"HEY!" Nathan says and absent mindlessly lets go of the branch putting more weight on Krystal.
"UGH!" Krystal moans the stain disfigureing her face. Nathan looks into the distance and lets out another high pitched scream, and pulls himself up the tree.Krystal finds this amazing and climbs up after him not aware of the looming figure tailing them. Nathan runs along the tree every step he takes hurting the tree, and threatening to break a branch.
"Look OUT!" Nathan yells.
Krystal suddenly sees the figure and sees a bright big sphere of what looks like light heading toward Nathan,and jumps in front of Nathan,and takes the hit, and falls down off the tree. Nathan with surprising strength, because of adrenaline,sprints and catches up with the group panting.
Kristina looks around and hehind Nathan,"Where's my sister?"she says trying to keep her temper contained.
"I think she died."He manages to squeak out.
"WHAT!BY THE HANDS OF WHOM?" Kristina yells surprising Devin as he and Nathan back away. Suddenly, a rustle in the trees,and Roger comes out flying,burning light appears in his eyes. Nathan points at Roger,and Kristina turns to him,looks up,and screams.
"Danm."Gaby says,pulls out popcorn, and settles down with Nathan and Devin in the corner. Lasers shouts out of Kristinas eyes.
"Kristina I thought we all all were hiding that!" Elizabeth said.
"Not anymore!"Kristina says as she sends back a beam back at Roger and kills him. His lifeless body falls to the floor. Everyone stares at Kristian and Elizabeth with a million questions in their eyes.
"Ummmmm...what just happened?" Anyssa says breaking the silence.
Kristina looks down, " Nathan... Get your ass over here." Devin and Anyssa push Nathan over as if he is sacrifice.
Gaby and Katia huddle close together with the popcorn between them.
Kristina still looking down says," If you ever die I will shove your soul back inside you,amd kill you!
Also I need to explain some things to you all about me and Elizabeth and....Devin." after a long pause Kristina suggests they should set up camp,and disappears into the thickness of the trees. Everyone ambushes Elizabeth and Devin in questions,and they soon walk away to leaving Nathan,Anyssa,Katia,and Gaby.
"So what do you think is up with them?" Gaby asks.
"For once I don't feel like I know." Katia answers.
"Isn't it OBVIOUS?!"Anyssa says. Gaby and Katia stare at her as if she's a crazy person.
"Duh, Kristina obviously has these super powers we don't know about,and there are many people with them. For one,it would explain the tunnels."
"True." Gaby and Katia answer.
The four discuss late into the night, and they gather up Finnaly being called up by Devin. They sit around a fire being silent for what seemed like an eternity.
"I'm guessing this is when we explain things...?" Kristina says with her head down.

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