Chapter 10

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A.N.- Hey guys! So here is chapter 10, I hope you enjoy it! But first a THANK YOU! You guys are amazing! Almost 7K reads!? People from around the WORLD are reading this! On every continent (except Antarctica) people are reading this! I am so happy that this Fanfiction (that I only wrote because my friend wanted a Flash X Reader) has 1) brought this fandom together and 2) has brought the world together as well. Thank you SOOO much for reading! I love you all and I will see you in the next chapter.

You look at him. You didn't say anything and turned your head back to the adorable bunny still in your hands. You both just sat in silence. You kept on thinking about his words 'Let's just hope you can keep them under control.'  You knew he was talking about your powers, but coming from him those words hurt. You started to feel your stomach knot in anger and confusion. You gently set down the rabbit and swiftly stood up. You quickly walked down the hall just... confused. You could hear little splashes of the bunny following you. You could also hear Barry calling your name, but you just ignored him. You were freaking out. You never had great control over your emotions, you kept them to yourself and and bottled them up. You turned to the wall and did the first logical thing that came into your head, you punched the wall. You punched it three times, ignoring the pain on both your fists. Right as you were about to punch it again, a pair of arms wrapped around your stomach, holding your arms down and pulled you back. You  just go limp in his arms, you immediately knew it was Barry.

"Calm down." He said, close to your ear.

"Let go of me." You practically growled.

"Not until you calm down." You tried to escape his grasp, only causing it to tighten around your stomach. You both stop moving as you hear a giant crash of water. You both look to your left to see a wave of water rushing towards you both. He quickly let you go and you both just looked at it.  "Stop it." He said, standing behind you.

"I don't think I can." You replied. Your voice wavering slightly.

"Yes you can. You are more powerful than you think." He said taking a few steps back. "{Y/N}, You need to accept that this is you. You can control this, it will take time and energy, but you will get a  handle on this, so please stop this." He said, voice full of emotion. You were just so confused and stressed, but you trusted him. You felt the big ball of emotion in your stomach go away when at last second you threw up your hand causing the huge wave to stop. You heard a few pairs of foot steps coming toward you two.

"What happened?" Oliver asked. You didn't care to hear Barry and Oliver fight so ignoring them you focused the water down and began walking away, with a small trail of the water following you.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asked you.

"Picking up my mess." You said, not bothering to stop.


The trail of water followed you outside, where the rain had completely cleared. The trail was taking water from the wall and bringing it out here. Once the water got to the outside you let it go on its own and didn't control it. It took about 10 minutes for all the water to drain out. You were still slightly freaking out so you wiped your sweaty palms on your pants and walked over to where Oliver's bike was. You made the water fall off it so your butt wouldn't get wet. You started to hot wire it when you heard someone, Oliver, yelling at you. "Come on." You said to yourself. Finally it worked. You quickly jumped on it and drove off as fast as you could. You didn't know where you were going, but you were getting there fast.

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