Chapter 19

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A.N.~ Hey guys! Sorry for the late update! I went camping over the weekend and wasn't able to think straight last night while attempting to write. Hope you all enjoy this chapter! Love you all! <3 <3

You started packing a duffel bag as soon as you got back home. You snuck your suit Cisco made for you home and packed jeans and random t-shirts.

"{Y/N}!" You heard from the main floor.

"Up here!" You yelled back, sighing. You heard fast foot steps and a gust of wind, and Barry was in your bedroom.

"Are you really going?"

"Yeah." You responded, putting your laptop and its charger in the bag.

"Do you want me to come with?" He asked.

"I don't care." You said in a slightly harsh tone.

"Hey." He said, grabbing your shoulders and making you look at him. You sighed and gave him a hug, which he warmly returned.

"I'm just stressed, and want to figure everything out." You said into his chest. He rubbed your back in understanding. You sadly pulled away. "I originally came here to be more independent and responsible." You said. "I never expected this." You said, looking down as a pool of water formed in your left hand. Barry looked at your hand and put his fingers in the water.

"Well I'm glad you got this power because without it I don't think we would've ever met." He smiled down at you, and you made the water disappear. He leaned down and kissed you on your forehead. "Don't be stressed." He whispered as he put his forehead on yours. You nodded and grabbed his hands.

"Thank you." You whispered looking up at him. He smiled in return.

"I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" You questioned.

"To pack." He said, speeding off. You grabbed your earbuds and turned to put them in the bag when a certain speedster was back in your room.

"Did you miss me?" You stated jokingly while putting the earbuds in.

"Of course." He said smiling. He put his bag down and sat on your bed, watching you pack. Being the kind gentleman that he is, he would run and grab things for you that were downstairs when you asked.

"Well I think that's it." You said, zipping the bag shut, after about 15 minutes of boring packing. You flopped on the bed next to Barry. He started rubbing your shoulders, while laughing.

"We should get going." He said, getting up off the bed. You rolled over onto your back and put your arms in the air, signaling for him to help you up. He grabbed your wrists and pulled you up off the bed. You both grabbed your bag and walked outside where Oliver was waiting for you.

"I didn't say speedy could come along." He stated as soon as he saw Barry.

"Too bad." You replied, walking to the Jeep he drove and threw your bag into the back. You could practically hear Barry smirk at your comment as he did the same as you. Oliver rolled his eyes and walked to the driver seat.

"You riding with, or running?" Oliver asked.

"Riding." Barry stated. Both you and Barry got into the back seat of the Jeep and started the drive towards Star City.

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