Chapter 30

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3rd POV?

Oliver quickly looked between your body and Wells. He glared at him, loaded his bow and shot him. He was actually surprised that he hit Harrison, but he was distracted, staring at your bleeding body. Harrison did look up when the arrow hit him in his side.

Barry was in shock and conflicted. He wanted to sit by your side, hold your hand, and cry. He wanted to rush you to someone who could help you because currently he was helpless. On the other hand he wanted to kill Wells. He stared at your crumpled form with tears in his eyes. When he looked at Wells the hatred boiled in his chest.

Diggle was focusing on Wells. He did care about you, but just not as much as the other two. Right as he took out his gun and pointed it at Wells, Barry rushed forward and grabbed Wells by the collar of his shirt.

"I will tear you apart." He growled at Wells, tears still stinging his eyes.

"Barry, get [him/her] out of here." Oliver said, pointing his bow at Harrison. He hesitated. "GO!" he repeated in a dark tone. Barry threw Wells to the ground and went over to you. He carefully picked up your limp body and sprinted out. He had no idea where to go.

He soon found a hospital. He went into a nearby alley, carefully laid you down on the ground, and took off the flash suit (having normal clothes on underneath). He looked down at you trying to make a decision. You too had your suit on, and the knife was still in you. When he took you into the hospital they were going to take the knife out anyway.

"I am so sorry." He whispered to you, although he knew you couldn't hear him, as he pulled out the knife. He picked you up and quickly ran as fast as a normal person could with a person in their arms can into the hospital. As soon as he got in the hospital he started yelling for help. As soon as he did several nurses and doctors started running towards him. As soon as they took you away from him he felt his heart drop and he started to cry.


When you woke up you didn't open your eyes at first. There was a throbbing pain in your stomach and you were a little cold, so you went to move your legs to curl up and get slightly warmer, but as soon as you moved your throbbing pain turned into a gut wrenching, just end me now pain. Thanks to this pain your eyes shot open and you were blinded by sudden change of light.

"{Y/N}!" You heard Barry say beside you.

"Oh, hey." Was all you could respond with.

"I'll go get the nurse." He stated quickly before quickly walking out of the room. You took deep breaths to attempt to cope with the pain. Soon Barry came back with a nurse. She put morphine in your iv (a really strong pain med), asked you some questions, then left you alone with Barry.

"So, how's the weather?" You asked the first thing that came in your head. He laughed before sitting down next to you and putting your hand in his.

"The weather is as weather-y as can be." He starts before his face hardens and he gets serious. "{Y/N}, you scared the crap out of me." he states looking down.

"Sorry. I just really felt like getting stabbed." You quickly replied, your sarcasm at a high.

"That's not funny." You could tell he was trying not to smile.

"It was a little bit." You state, smiling.

"Okay, a little bit. I just don't know what I would've done without you." He says. When he is finished he places a gentle kiss on your hand.



I didn't assume your gender!!!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for not updating but this weird thing you could call a book is drawing to a close.

I hope you like the new cover (I can't remember if it was here last time I updated) 

I hope you are all having a fantastic day/night. 

I love you all and appreciate you!!  THANK YOU FOR 60 THOUSAND READS!!!!

Anyway have a good life <3

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