Chapter 17

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A.N.~ Hey guys! Thank you SO much for over 18 thousand reads! I have 2 weeks of school left (10 days, but who's counting) and I might  be able to update 2 times a week when it's over, but no promises. Hope you enjoy!

You walked off the bus and back to your house. When you got in you took of your heels and walked up to your room. You collapsed on the bed face first. The interview was long and extremely dull. Right as you were about to fall asleep your phone started to ring. You grabbed it and answered the phone, putting it on speaker beside you.

"What." You said, mostly into the comforter of your bed.

"How was your interview?" Barry asked.

"Tiring" You simply replied. You could hear him laughing on the other end, which made you smile. "I hate having to try and have a real job." You stated. He was silent for a while. "I just ruined the moment, sorry."

"I know that we've talked about it before, but. . . what. . ." You knew he was struggling to find the words, but you knew what he was trying to ask.

"You mean, what did I do to make money?"

"Yeah, if you're okay talking about it."

"Yeah, it's fine. Um. . ." You said, trying to think. "At first it was little petty theft, mostly pickpocketing. After doing that for a few months and my parents not appreciating what I was doing for them, I started breaking into houses. . ." You started to trail off from the memories coming up. You were both silent for a while, in your own thoughts.



"I thought you fell asleep on me." He said laughing a little.

"Yeah, you wish. Where are you right now?" You asked.

"I'm just walking around." Right as you were about to say something he interrupted you. "Hey, Caitlin is calling, hang on for a sec. You waited for a bit as he put you on hold. "{Y/N}, you still here?"

"I have no where else to go." You stated.

"So Caitlin said Oliver is on his way here, there is something he wants to talk to us about."

"Okay, I'm ganna change then I'll head to the lab."

"Okay, see you there." You both hung up. You weren't really paying attention to what you decided to change into so you ended up grabbing a pair of faded blue skinny jeans and a loose black shirt that showed just a little bit of your stomach and said 'wanderer' across the chest. Putting on a pair of black converse, and just leaving you hair you quickly got on your motorcycle and drove to the lab.

When you walked in Cisco walked up to you. You expected him to say something about why Oliver was coming, but he didn't.

"I thought of your name."

"What?" You asked, slightly off guard.

"Like how Barry is the Flash." You just nodded your head. "You name," He said dramatically. "is Aquarius. Do you like it?" He asked smiling.

"You got that from the zodiac sign didn't you?" He nodded his head. "You do know that Aquarius is actually the Air element right?"

"Well Aquarius's symbol is the Water-Bearer, and you control water."

"I love it," you said hugging him.

You both started walking to where they were waiting. You were excited to see Oliver. However as soon as you saw him you knew that this was bigger than you thought. He looked exhausted.

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