Chapter 23

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A.N. ~ HELLO! Long time no read! Wow that was awful. A few things before you jump into this chapter. 1) I have to thank all you outstanding people for 32 thousand reads! 2) Thanks for your patience for this chapter and 3) *slightly shameful self promo* If you want to see what I was doing while I was gone I have 2 out of the 3 videos up on my YouTube channel. Okay Enjoy the chapter!

You push yourself back with your feet, rolling and spinning in the wheeled chair in Oliver's base. Obviously you have to act like a two year old whenever you sit in one, you were also bored. You were waiting for Felicity, one of Olivers friends who helped him be the Arrow, to get here.

"UGGGGGGGGGGGGG!" You groaned. "WHAT EVEN IS LIFE?!" You started to just basically almost scream random things even if they didn't make much sense. "I WANT A CHEESE BURGER!!"

"{Y/N}! It's not even noon!" Barry said, while laughing. He walked up to you and grabbed your hands, dragging you towards him. He stopped the chair with his foot and pulled you up out of it. Once you were standing he sat in the comfy chair. You opened your mouth in shock. He sits up straight and pats his leg, motioning for you to sit down.

"Really?" You ask, a smile coming across your face.

"Yeah, why not?" He states.

"Great," You say, walking over to him, as you sit on his lap you mumble, "First you take the chair, now you make me feel like a two year old." You were sitting so your back was on his chest and your head was all the way back on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your stomach and listened to you grumble and state random things. " Why don't brown cows make chocolate milk? What happened to the Unicorns? I want a pet narwhale. Why is it illegal to own tigers? Why is it not socially acceptable to walk around singing like they do in Disney movies? Why can I not go around riding a horse, much better for the environment." You rambled on and on for what felt like hours till you heard the door open and shut. You were almost immediately pushed up by Barry, forced into standing, which is a lot of work.

"Hey." Barry said to the woman. She had blonde hair, glasses and was holding some papers in her hands.

"Hi!" She replied giving Barry a quick hug.

"{Y/N}, this is Felicity Smoak." Barry said, turning to you.

"Hi." You said quickly shaking her one free hand. She quickly smiled and went over to the desk ad set down the papers.

"Okay, so." She started, getting right to the point. "I did some digging and took 4 hours before I could even find a parking ticket on Harrison Wells."

"So you don't think he did it?" Barry questioned.

"It took a while, but the guy knows how to cover his tracks. I found how he likes his coffee and what his morning routine is before I found this." She backed away from the computer that showed hospital records. "Now not a lot seemed off about this except that the most recent ones are gone." Pretty much everyone had confused looks on their faces right now, but you.

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked.

"She means he either took the files before they could get them into their system or he hacked the system and took them down." You said, rubbing your hand over your face. "Umm... are you able to track them?" You looked up to see her starting at you.

"Uh," She quickly pulled out the chair and started typing on the computer. "no the whole server is down." She said, quietly.

"Okay. What hospital was it?" You quickly ask. She tells you the hospital. You start to walk out, Barry following you. Anger and annoyance boiling in your blood.

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