Chapter 18

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A.N.~ Hey guys! What is up?  I hope you are all doing good! Oh and THANKS FOR (yes I know I'm about to round) 20 THOUSAND READS! I'm really proud of this book and the community around it! I'm not prepared for the Flash season finale. Anyway enjoy this chapter and stay safe! Love you all <3 <3

"O-Oliver, what's going on?" You asked. As soon as you walked in you felt a wave of terror rush over you. He looked up and almost seemed shocked to see you.

"{Y/N}. . . what are you doing here?" He said stumbling over his words.

"Barry told me to come. What's going on? You know I don't get scared easily, but you're freaking me out." You said putting your arms across your chest. Barry walked up to you and put a hand on your shoulder.

"I said I didn't want her here." Oliver said through clenched teeth, completely ignoring what you said. He took two big steps and got in Barry's face.

"She was going to find out eventually." He defended.

"Somebody tell me what the hell is going on!" You practically screamed. They both looked at you, clearly surprised by how loud you were.

"If you don't tell her I will." Barry said, staring at Oliver. Sighing Oliver and walked over to the computer and did a few things. Soon enough a picture was up on the monitor. Crime scenes displayed in front of us. It kept shuffling through several different ones.

"These have all happened within the past two weeks. This," He said as it paused on one. It was a girl, who looked about our age was laying on a concrete floor with her clothes torn with blood stains on them. She had several stab wounds on her legs. The sight made your skin crawl and almost got you to throw up. "is the most recent one." Oliver said.

"Do you know who is doing this?" Barry asked.

"Well. . . we have an idea. . ." Oliver paused. "Do any of you know where Dr.Whells is?"

"Are you suggesting that he is behind this? He is in wheelchair!" Caitlin stated.

"But what do any of you really know about him?" Oliver pushed. "{Y/N}," He started, but you cut him off.

"I still have some contacts that might know some stuff. I'll help." You said, causing Barry to take his hand off your shoulder.

"What?" Barry asked, looking at you.

"Just to get more facts. Innocent until proven guilty. I would like all the facts before we do something we regret or don't do something we'll regret." Everyone was silent at your words. "More lives are in danger now and we don't know why. Don't let your emotions get in the way, thats how we lose." You said, walking out. You walked for a while in the hallway thinking about what you know and who you know in the Glades that could help. You heard someone walking behind you, so you stopped to let the person to catch up. You looked to your left and saw Oliver. You both stopped walking.

"I missed you." He said, pulling you into a hug. Letting go he said, "I wish I didn't have to come back on these circumstances." You just nodded.

"I'll come with you back to Star City." You said, as you continued walking. "Come get me at my house in an hour." You both parted ways to get ready for whatever you were going to learn.

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