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Chapter One


Ring ring.

The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up from my slumber.

"Ugh what" I groan to myself.

I turned around on my back rubbing my eyes, as I sat up to stretch.

Ring ring.

I groan once more, reaching over to my end table, grabbing my rose gold iPhone 6s and sliding the answer button.

Not bothering to check who it was, I answer the phone.

"What?" I snap, mad that they woke me up early.

"Uh, hello, is this Kylie Jenner?" A male voice asks through the phone.

"Yes this is, how may I help you?" I spoke trying to be polite.

"Hi, I'm sorry to be calling at such an early time but I have a serious question for you... Do you have a couple of minutes?" He apologized.

I clear my throat, "Yes, I have time.. What's up?"

"Good. My name is Bart, and I am the manager of a former group of boys called Magcon. I've seen your YouTube videos and I was wondering if you would like to take part in the Magcon Tour that's coming up soon" He asks, leaving me with my mouth open, in shock.

"U-u-m, y-y-yes, I would love to!" I grinned excitedly.

"Okay, I'll email you all the information as soon as possible. The first stop of the tour is in San Francisco, California on April 28th, so if you could be there before then, that would be great" Bart explained.

"Yes! of course I can" I chirped.

"Okay, great see you soon. Have a great day" He hung up the phone.

I jumped up from my bed, running to my closet to change, then running to my bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

After that, I was squealing and running downstairs to try and find my parents.

"Mom! Mom! Mom!" I shouted throughout my house.

"What? What is it sweetie?" My mom said, panic written in her voice.

"I'm going on tour with a group called Magcon!" I grinned again, but that dropped when she gave me a deadpan look. "I mean, if it's okay with you"

She then smiled, "Of course it is! I'm so proud of you baby! Congrats!"

She came over and hugged me, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay, I have to go over to Emily's and tell her. Bye mom see you later"

On the way to Emily's, I blasted music and was smiling ear to ear because of the call I got a couple of minutes ago.

I parked outside of Emily's house, skipping to the door and ringing the bell.

Whoops, I forgot to text her that I was coming over. Oh well.

"Hey Ky, what are you doing here so early?" She smiled, greeting me.

"I have some very exciting news!" I beam, plopping down on the couch.

"Hey! Watch out! You almost sat on my bagel" She glared, coming over to me and grabbing her bagel off of the plate, eating it.

"When aren't you eating?" I laughed at my best friend.

"Good question" She chuckled.

"Anyways, I'm just gonna get to the point here.. IM GOING ON TOUR WITH MAGCON!" I shout.

Her bagel practically falls out of her mouth and she jumps up to hug me.


I break from the hug, "Wow, Em, not even a congratulations you made it?" I chuckle.

"Shït no, I wish I was you. You get to be with Greek gods"

"Okay, Em" I laugh, "I leave at the end of the month, so we have to hang out a lot until then because I'll miss you so much" I exclaim to her.

"Aw man, I'll miss you. But I hope you're gonna have fun, and be successful and rich" She smiles.

"Wow, for once, you were nice to me, I have to cherish this moment" I joke.

"You should, because that will most likely never happen again" Her laughter filling the room.

Hey what's up hello!

How are y'all?

So I've decided to start a Cameron Dallas fan fiction as you can see.

Anyways, he'll be in the next chapter along with the rest of the (original) Magcon boys.

Btw, I see Kylie as Kylie Jenner obvi, so if you don't like her just pretend she's someone else!

Also, the chapters are short, so that means quicker updates!

I hope you guys like this book so far :)

Instagram- @sixdallas

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