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Chapter Two


Today was the day. It was the day I was leaving, to go to San Fransisco. I had to get on a 2 hour flight, which wasn't bad. If you're wondering, I live in Los Angeles..

I was happy and upset at the same time, I didn't want to leave my friends, but I was happy because this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. The day I found out all the information, I tweeted about it and all my fans were very happy and most likely coming to meet me at one of the shows.

A/N- She makes YouTube videos/vines (5m subscribers on YouTube)

My friends and my parents were with me at LAX, waiting for me to leave.

In the midst of talking to them, a whole group of girls came up to me asking for pictures. I happily took pictures with them and signed their stuff which consisted on phone cases, sweatshirts, and pictures of me.

"Have fun on tour! I'm so happy for you" One very sweet girl said to me.

"Thank you very much, I will! Whats your name?" I asked her politely.

"My name is Emma" She replied, smiling brightly.

"Beautiful name" I grinned.

"Thank you so much, I love you so much" She pulled me into a hug.

"I love you more" I chuckled and hugged her back. All of a sudden all of the girls joined the hug. I love moments like these so much.

"Flight 76 to San Fransisco is now boarding" A lady announced through the loud speaker. We pulled away from the hug, saying our goodbyes as the group of lovely fans walked away.

Now it was time to say goodbye to my friends and parents.

"Bye mom, bye dad I love you" I said to them, hugging them.

"Bye Jess, I love you so much I'll miss you" I said goodbye to my friend jessica.

"Bye Jenna, I love you too and I'll miss you"

"Bye Melina, I'll miss you, love you"

"Bye Em, I love you so so much and I'll miss you the most" I whispered in her ear as we hugged.

"Bye Ky, have fun, don't get pregnant, love you too" She chuckled.

I gasped, pulling away, laughing at her and her ridiculousness.

"I won't, trust me"

"Once again, flight 76 to San Fran is now boarding" The same lady announced again, her voice starting to annoy me.

After we said our goodbyes, again, I boarded my flight.

During the plane, I jammed to Justin Bieber aka the love of my life.

I've been a belieber since 2009, throwback to the times when life was easier. I silently laughed at myself.

The girl who was sitting next to me looked familiar though. I just couldn't figure out her name. She had beautiful red/orange curly hair and freckles all over her cheeks.

It was bothering me that I couldn't figure out her name, so I just decided to ask her.

"Um, excuse me, but you look really familiar, I feel like I've seen you before" I smiled at her.

"Is your name Kylie? You're a YouTuber right? And you're joining Magcon too?" She politely smiled back.

"Yes, I am.. And you're... MAHOGANY! Ah I remember now!" I whisper shouted.

"Yes haha, I'm going to Magcon too" She laughed lightly.

"No way, that's great we're gonna be good friends" I grinned.

"Yes we are, I can already tell" She smiled.

For the rest of the flight we talked about the boys, about school considering we're both doing online school now, and talked about the boys again.

After we departed the flight, we both caught an über to the hotel we were staying at and had to meet Bart at.

Apparently there were other girls joining the tour, we just don't know who.

God I hope they aren't bitchês.

When we pulled up to the hotel, we were amazed by how beautiful it was.

It was huge, and there were already fans waiting outside.

"Kylie! Mahogany! Kylie" Is all we heard as we walked through the crowd.

Bart ordered us to go directly inside.

I waved to them causing them to scream even more.

Once we both made it inside safely, we checked in. It turns out that I'm sharing a room with Mahogany and two other girls. Still have no clue who they are...

When we got up to room 124 on floor 7, they were there already. We greeted each other and they knew who I was. I felt bad because I didn't know who they were.. whoops.

The brunette girls name was Lauren Giraldo, and the blonde girls name was Alexa Losey. They were both really nice to us, which I was happy about.

Later that evening, Bart came to talk to us. He was telling us about how Magcon was in 2 days so we could do whatever until then. And he was telling us about how the boys would come introduce themselves to us soon.

I was a little nervous to meet them because they were hot as hell, and I was just, well me..

We were in the middle of watching a movie and talking about things whilst waiting for our food to come by room service when there was a knock at the door. I figured it was the room service so I went to go answer it with money in my hand to tip them.

"Hi how much—" I stopped mid sentence realizing that it wasn't the room service.. In fact there was about 9 boys standing in front of me with unreadable expressions on their faces.

The one standing directly in front of me, smiling at me, was no one other than the one and only, Cameron Dallas...

Aye there's Cam!!!

If you want anything to happen in the story then let me know and I'll try to fit it in!

Instagram- @sixdallas

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