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Chapter Seven

Cameron (surprise mofo)

I sighed in content as I entered my room, my mind on Kylie.

Gosh she's so gorgeous.

"Yo man, what was that all about?" Nash smirks, the other boys trailing behind him.

"What?" I asked, even though I know what they were talking about.

"You and Kylie's little make out session" Johnson jumps in.

"I don't know, I like her so.." I trail off.

"So... ask her out man what are you waiting for?" Nash says throwing his hands up in the air like a girl.

"I'm nervous, what if she rejects me?" I stated truthfully.

"I'm pretty sure if y'all just kissed in the hallway, she's not gonna reject you. She probably likes you too" Hayes said.

"He's right man, and you know I never agree with.. him" Nash said, giving a look of disgust towards Hayes' way.

"Alright you're right, I'll do it. But I can't just do it casually, it has to be special because that's what she deserves" I ponder my thoughts, trying to figure out a way to ask her out.

"Awww Cammy is in love" Shawn said, squeezing my cheeks.

All of a sudden, I hear a door slightly slam shut. We all look around noticing that Gilinsky is no longer in the room. I wonder what's up with him? Lately he's been ignoring me and acting as if he's on his period or something. Oh well.


Today is Thursday, meaning our flight to Orlando for magcon. Last night I was up half of the night trying to think of how I'm gonna ask Kylie to be my girlfriend. And I finally figured it out at like 2 in the morning.

I'm gonna take her on a romantic date at a restaurant near a beach in Orlando, and then on the beach we'll be walking and I'll ask her. I'm just hoping she says yes because if she doesn't that would be really really awkward. I cringe just thinking about it.

"Boys hurry up, we have a flight to catch in an hour" Bart barges in our room, earning annoyed groans from all of us.

"I'm coming I'm coming" I muttered, getting up and grabbing my suitcase.

"Hey Cam, good morning" Kylie said, coming up to me and place a small kiss on my cheek.

"Hey Ky, what's got you in a good mood?" I chuckled lightly.

"Oh I'm kind of excited to go Orlando, I don't know why but for some strange reason I have a good feeling about going" She smiled a beautiful smile.

"Oh.." I trailed off not knowing what to say without giving it away.

"Alright guys lets get going" Bart said.

"Ready?" I smiled and went to grab Kylie's hand.

"Always" She said and took my hand.

During the flight I kept thinking. What if Kylie doesn't like beaches? What if she's allergic to sand? What if she doesn't like the restaurant I take her to? What if-

I got dragged out of my thoughts by Nash.

"Yo man, you still overthinking this whole asking out Kylie thing?" He bluntly said.

"Shh lower your voice, anyone can you here you, including Ky" I hushed him.

"Sorry man. Answer my question"

"Yes, yes I am. I'm really nervous.. What if she doesn't like any of it" I ranted.

"She'll like all of it dude, and she'll say yes. You're a great guy and she knows that or else she wouldn't be kissing you in the hallway or on the cheek.. Don't think I didn't see that. Next time get a room atleast" He winked.

"Thanks, I'm hoping so.." I muttered and blushed at the last part.

Once we landed, we immediately got mobbed.

I took a pictures with a few fans that were calm, just like everyone else. But eventually it started getting crazy.

"Hey Ky, come with me" I said and took her hand to lead her through the big crowd.

All I heard was a round of awww's coming from everyone including the boys.

Mine and Kylie's face were probably as red as tomatoes.


We're currently at our hotel right now, trying to figure our dinner plans. We wanna go some place good but we don't wanna get mobbed again.

Kylie and I were just talking about random things until she brought up something.

"So anyways, have you seen Gilinsky, I've been meaning to talk to him but I haven't seen him" She told me, looking around the lobby.

"No I haven't.. I think he's mad at me for some reason" I explained.

"Oh well I'll go look for him, be right back."

It's been 20 minutes since Kylie went looking for Gilinsky.

"Where's Kylie & Jack? We have to go eat" Bart said.

"I don't know l'll go look for them" I offered.

I checked my hotel room, nothing.

I checked Kylie's hotel room, nothing.

I then went to Jacks room. I opened the door and found an empty kitchen and couch. Where could they be?

I was about to walk out until I heard talking coming from the bedroom.

"You... You what?" I heard Kylie say in a hushed time.

"Don't talk, you'll understand after this" A voice said that I recognized as Jacks.

It got quiet all of a sudden, so I decided to peek and I saw something so heartbreaking.

Jack and Kylie kissing.



But forreal how are you guys?!

I'm good, this past weekend I met the Dolan twins & I'm still crying!

So so so I'll be updating again soon because this was a short chapter and I hate leaving you guys with cliffhangers..


Instagram; @sixdallas

Also I didn't revise so sorry for any errors.

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