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Chapter Three


The one standing directly in front of me, smiling at me, was no one other
than the one and only, Cameron Dallas...

"Hi, I'm Cameron, Cameron Dallas" He said to me, his deep voice making me feel some type of way.

"Hi, I'm—" I got cut off by a young boy with blue eyes who I recognized as Hayes Grier. "Kylie Jenner, we know" he smirked only to get a slap across the chest by another older boy with blue eyes, Nash Grier I think.

I chuckled lightly, "Um why don't you guys come in? The rest of the girls are in here"

"Sure" Hayes said walking straight passed us and inside the living room causing me to laugh again. This kid I though in my head.

"Sorry, don't mind him" Nash said to me.

"It's fine" I smiled.

I followed all the boys into the living room, noticing how the girls we're giving me 'what the fück' faces, I looked at the confused.

"Uh, Kylie, can I talk to you" Lauren asked and practically dragged me into the kitchen.

"What? What's the matter?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"YOU INVITE LIKE 9 HOT BOYS INTO OUR ROOM AND NOT GIVE ME TIME TO PREPARE? I LOOK LIKE CRAP RIGHT NOW" She yelled at me, but only loud enough for me to hear.

"Lauren, calm down, they're not even that hot" I completely lied to myself. They're hot as fück. Especially Jack Gilinsky and Cameron. Like damn. Where you from? Heaven?

"Whatever, you're lying" She smirked and walked away. I chuckled to myself and walked over to the fridge aka my favorite place, and grabbed a can of soda.

"So... you don't think I'm hot?" A voice who I immediately recognized said. I could basically feel his breathing on my neck.

I froze in my spot, slowly turning around as if it were a dramatic horror movie scene.

"Um, n-no I didn't mean it that way but.." I stammered off not knowing what to say.

"So you think I'm hot?" He smirked stepping closer to me, if possible.

Then I thought of something. "Wait.. Why were you eavesdropping?" His smirk dropped, causing mine to get bigger.

"I wasn't, I just wanted a drink" He said quickly, giving it away that he was lying.

"Hmm, okay" I said, still smirking, turning around, and walking away, my hips swaying back and forth.


It's the night before Magcon and me and all the girls and guys are just hanging out like we did last night.

I'm currently on the couch with Cameron on one side of me and Taylor on the other..

Cameron's arm is wrapped around my shoulder as we watch a scary movie called 'The Conjuring' it's actually not even scary, rather stupid.

My mind then drifts off to the boy next to me, not Taylor, Cameron.

He's cute as hell and annoying, but in a cute adoring way.

He's also the jealous type, from what I think I saw.. Today we were all shopping and Taylor was talking to me about something, which I already forgot. Cameron was staring over at us and looked kind of pissed. His jaw was clenched. But what I don't understand was why he was acting that way? I mean we literally just met a day ago. But then again, who am I to speak? I think I have a crush on him... I haven't got to know him so maybe once I find out his personality things will change, I'm not sure yet. I hope he genuinely is as sweet as he seems. I get cut out of thoughts by Jack Johnson.

"Guys! I have an idea, how about we go night swimming?"

"That's not a bad idea" Mahogany says, Aaron agreeing with her. I think she likes him, they've been talking non stop. I have to ask her about that later.

"Okay let's go, lemme get my swim shorts" Johnson says weirdly running out of the room like he's superman. Only him. Johnson is the weird, funny, one of the group.

"Okay we'll be right back" The rest of the guys said, walking off into their room.

Oh god I thought to myself. I'm kind of nervous to be in front of them in a bikini. I know I have a good body, at least in my opinion, but I'm still nervous. I'm not really one that's shy, I was always confident, but now I don't know what's wrong. Maybe it's because you're afraid Cameron will judge you my mind told myself. I don't think he's that type of person, but then again you never know. I don't really know anything about him besides the fact that his name is Cameron and that he makes YouTube videos and vines. Oh no please—

"Hey Ky, you coming?" Mahogany interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Oh um yeah let me change" I cleared my throat, "I'll be right back" I said grabbing my black bikini that from my suitcase and walking into the luxurious bathroom.

I changed slowly, trying to stall time before I would have no choice but to go outside into the pool with them.

At least it's night time, so maybe they won't really pay attention to my body.

As I was staring at myself in the mirror, there was a knock on the door.

"Kylie? You okay in there?" I heard Cameron's voice from the other side of the door.

"Yes, I'm fine. Give me a second"

Once I collected my clothes up into a pile, I opened the door slowly, seeing Cameron sitting on the bed with his phone in his hand. No one else was in the room.

I lazily threw my clothes on top of my suit case quickly and turned to Cameron, "Okay I'm ready now" I smiled, trying my best to be confident. Because I think that's what guys like.. Or at least that's what Justin Bieber likes..

"O-" Cam stopped mid sentence after doing a double take at me. "Ky.. you look..." He stammered off.

"Do I look bad?" I asked worriedly.

"No, no no... You look stunning" He smiled.

"Thank you" I grinned, feeling my cheeks heat up. Damn. I never blushed when guys complimented me. Why him?

"Okay let's go" I said sliding on my shoes. Cameron was walking next to me and I tried to lowkey stare at his abs. I was pretending to look at my feet. But damn his stomach. It was so toned, and he had like an 8 pack. Holy God. Then I looked lower and noticed something big popping out of his pants and felt my cheeks heat up once again.

Was that was I think it was?

Finally finished this chapter.. Thank god! Now I can go do what I do best. Eat

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instagram; @sixdallas

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