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Cameron's POV

"Hey man what's up?" Nash said as I sat down next to him on the plane.

"Nothing really. What about you?" I asked.

"I'm Gucci. How's you & Kylie?" He smirked.

"We're good. Really good actually." I smiled. Just the thought of her makes me smile.

"Little Cammy is in love." He teased. That made me tense up.

"Forreal bro, I think I am in love." I admitted.

"What? Like forreal?" He asked shocked.

"Yeah. Seriously. I think I love her. I know we've only been dating for 3 months but I have such strong feelings for her. She's perfect in my eyes. She's my happiness. I wouldn't trade her for the world."

"Aw Cam. Don't you think you should tell her that?" He said to me.

"I want to, trust me. I just don't wanna put pressure on her if she doesn't feel the same way ya know?" I explained.

"Yeah I understand but it's better to be honest, you never know maybe she does feel the same way. By the way she looks at you, I can tell she's in love. But you gotta see for yourself." He told me. The way she looks at me.


We soon landed in Nashville. We got mobbed by fans and of course we couldn't take pictures. Bart was rushing us like we had somewhere to be. The show was tomorrow so no we don't.

But Kylie being Kylie, she stopped and took pictures, talked to fans, hacked their snapchats. She was the only one who didn't care what Bart said.

"Kylie! We have to go now!" Bart yelled angrily.

"You guys can go!" She smiled sarcastically.

"Kylie, seriously come on." He glared.

"Fine." She glared back.

"Bye guys I love you so much, sorry I'm being forced to leave." She rolled her eyes.

"Kylie you can't do stuff like that! I'm your manager, you can't say bad stuff about me in public!" Bart yelled even more once we got in the van.

"Aye! Don't yell at my girlfriend like that man" I shouted at him.

He rolled his eyes and sat down, "whatever just make sure she doesn't do it again."


Kylie's POV

I was extremely pissed of at Bart. I was laying in the bed of my hotel room trying to cool off some steam. I can't take this anymore. He treats us like animals.

There was a knock on the door, I got up quickly hoping it was Cam, and it was.

I immediately hugged him.

"I can't stand Bart."

"Same, he's really being a prick lately." Cam said.

"Tell me about it."

"So to get your mind off that, will you go on a date with me tonight?" He asked, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

"Yes of course. What should I wear?"

"Be ready at 6 and wear something causal." He winked.

Pillowtalk // C.D Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu