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Chapter Four


"Rise and shine" I get awoken out of my sleep by someone pulling the curtains back and letting in the harsh sunlight.

"Ugh" I groaned and turned over on my stomach, squishing my face in the pillow.

"Wake up baby" A soft voice said to me, and I felt the bed dipping in.

My stomach erupted in butterflies as I heard that voice. That voice I recognized as Cameron's. Wait why is he in here? Here as in my room?

"What are you doing in here" I groaned, turning my head to look at him.

"Trying to wake you up" He grinned..

"Whatever" I grumbled, going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth, also putting my hair in a pony tail.

When I finished I went back into the room and saw Cameron sitting there smiling at something on his phone. Why is he still here? Why is he smiling? It's like 7 in the morning. Who smiles this early?

"What got you so happy" I said to him, going to my suitcase, trying to find something to wear.

"The joy of annoying you" He smirked.

"What do you mean annoying me?" I chuckled, slightly confused, and sitting on my bed.

"What I mean is.." He came close, my eye brows furrowing.

"Cam what are you—" I got cut off by his hands tickling my sides causing me to irrupt in laughter.

"Cam... st..op" I tried to speak. He didn't stop, instead his hands were wandering all over my body, still tickling me.

"CAMERON" I said loudly, still laughing my äss off, hoping he'd get the point and stop before I punch him in the face.

All of a sudden, he stopped and fell on top of me, putting his hands on either sides of my waist holding his weight up so he doesn't squish me to death.

"What was that for?" I asked referring to the tickling. "I don't know I was bored" He shrugged.

"Ok.. can you get off of me please?" I chuckled awkwardly.

"No, I like this position" He smirked, causing my eyes to widen and cheeks to burn up.

"Hm, do I make you nervous" His smirk got wider and he came closer to my face if possible.

"No" I squeaked out, instantly regretting how high my voice got. My voice only gets like that when I lie to people.

"I think I do" He said. All of a sudden, his lips came in contact with the skin on my neck. Oh my god. What is happening?

"Hey Ky, you—" Lauren's voice filled the room, but she stopped mid sentence and let out a gasp.

"OH MY GOD" She whisper yelled, "We're you guys about to have sëx?"

I quickly threw Cam off of me, and got up, "No of course not" I spoke, I could feel my cheeks getting even more redder.

"It sure looked like it" She smirked.

"Whatever, can you guys get out? I have to get dresses" I asked.

"Okay, fine. See you later. Have fun" She smirked and left.

I groaned internally, hoping she wasn't gonna tell everyone.

"Can you leave to?" I asked Cam, who was still standing there.

Pillowtalk // C.D Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu