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Kylie's POV

I wake up to the sound of vomit, I think. I quickly get out of bed and walk into the living room to see Cam throwing up on my floor. Gross.

"Cam, take the pill and drink the water on the table while I clean this up." I tell him, walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth cause morning breath is gross. I then walk into the kitchen to get some paper towels.

He gets up off the couch and runs into the bathroom, making sure not to step in the vomit.

I hold my nose as tight as I can while I clean it up. This was the most disgusting thing I've ever done. Now I know how moms feel when their children are sick.

"You're lucky I like you a lot." I say to myself, chuckling at the end because of how I sounded. I sounded like squid ward because I'm holding my nose.

"I like you too. A lot." I look up to see Cam smiling down at me.

"Are you gonna throw up again?" I ask, throwing out the paper towels and grabbing the mop and some febreeze.

"No I'm good." He laughs. I quickly mop the floor where he puked, and spray some febreeze to get rid of the odor. Once everything is clean I take a seat on the couch next to Cam.

"Thank you so much for taking caring of me." He said, and buried his face into my neck.

I run my fingers through his hair, "Why did you lie to me?"

He looked up confused, "what?"

"Cam I'm not stupid. I saw pictures of you at a club last night with the guys. If you wanted to go you should've just said so. I'm not gonna stop you from having your 'bro time.' I'm your girlfriend, not your mom. I trust you. I just wish you would've told me the truth." I said, slightly sighing.

"I know I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to think I was going to get drunk and get with other girls. Next time I'll tell you the truth I promise. You're the only girl I want in this world." He said. My cheeks heated up. He always knows how to make me blush.

"You're the only guy I want." I kissed his lips passionately.

Don't worry, he brushed his teeth.


It was Thursday, which means me and the guys & the girls have a flight to Nashville, for Magcon.

We made it to airport, and Cam decided to sit with Nash to catch up with him which I was totally alright with.

Lately, I've been thinking about quitting Magcon. But I don't think I can because of my contract.

Bart is the problem. He thinks we're stupid. He thinks we don't know he's only using us for money. I don't wanna be near him. He's always being a díck for no absolute reason. I can't stand him anymore. It's not only me feeling this way, it's the rest of the guys too. Me and Mahogany, Lauren & Alexa have been talking lately and were thinking about leaving. I haven't talked to Cameron about this yet. But I just can't do it anymore. I'm getting used by Bart. All of us are. Some of the guys are just so far up Bart's ass to realize that.

Don't get me wrong, I love meeting my supporters. They are the reason I'm where I am today, but I can't. Every weekend I'm meeting 500 people, sometimes even more. It's getting crazy, and taking away from my own happiness. But I have to suck it up and deal with it. Not only for me, but for Cameron. If he knows I'm unhappy, he'll try to make me happy which will stress him out and I don't want that.

In a couple of days, it'll be our 3 month anniversary. I can't believe I've known him for such a little amount of time. It feels like I've known him forever. He knows everything about. He knows my weaknesses, my strengths, he knows everything about me. And same for him, I know everything about him. I feel something so surreal when I'm with him. I don't really want to admit because it's a scary thing but..

I'm completely in love with Cameron.

Everything about him is just so perfect. There's not one flaw that I could find in him. The way his eyes light up when he laughs. The way his lips curve when he smiles. The way his hair is perfectly quiffed. The way his laugh—

I got interrupted from my thoughts by Mahogany, "hey you okay?"

"Yes, but I have to tell you something."

"Tell me."

"So everyday I'm with Cameron, my feeling develop even more. He makes me so happy, he cheers me up whenever I'm sad, he's always there for me. He's the best. But today I looked at him and I came to the realization that I'm... in love with him. Please don't say it's too early to be in love, it doesn't take a genius to know what I feel for him." I admitted.

"Oh my god." She gasped, "you guys are too cute, I can't."

"what does it feel like to be in love?" She asked me.

"It's a crazy but amazing feeling.. Everytime I'm around him, my palms get sweaty, my heart races, I can barley speak. I can't keep my eyes off of him. I'm proud to show him off. I want him when he's not around, because he makes me genuinely happy. When we kiss, butterflies explode in my stomach. It feels great, to tell someone everything about you, and trust them not tell anyone. I care about him more than anything. I look at him and realize how lucky I am to have someone as amazing as him, so caring and loving. He doesn't judge me. He didn't even judge me when I told him I wasn't ready to have sèx yet. He doesn't get tired of me. Even though I'm spoiled as hell. Yeah we have ups and downs, but it's not love if you don't have that... I feel like everything in my life has led me to him. My choice to do YouTube and Vine videos, my past heartbreaks, my regrets. Everything. And when me and him are together, my past seems worth. All the shit I've been through, is worth it. Because if I had done one thing differently, I might've never met him."


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I poured my heart out into that last part because that's how I feel with the person I like :)

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