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Chapter Five


After me and Cameron's awkward encounter at Magcon, I ignored him for the rest of the event and the next day.

It's now Tuesday, and we have another event next weekend, but this time it's in Orlando. Our flight is Thursday. I feel bad for ignoring Cameron, but I don't know how I feel. He basically told me he wants to date me. But I haven't even known him for a week. I get interrupted by a buzzing noise coming from my phone. Looking down at the screen, I see that it's Lauren calling. Ugh. Leave me alone.

"Hello" I answered bluntly.

"Can you come to down to breakfast right now? I have to tell you something" She spoke uneasily through the phone.

"Why? I don't wanna get up" I groaned.

"Kylie, please. It's important" She said sounding serious.

"Fine, I'll be right there" I hung up and walked out the door, making sure to lock it because Mahogany was out with Aaron. I wonder what's going on between them. I still never asked her.

I hopped on the elevator, glancing at my phone, seeing my mom texted me asking how I am. I replied telling her I'm fine, and updating her on when my next flight was. Once I finished typing, the elevator rung indicating I was at the lobby.

I searched around trying to find Lauren, finally spotting her sitting at the corner table in the dining room.

"Hey what's up?" I said to her, pulling out a chair and sitting down across from her.

"I have to tell you something" I nodded, hinting for her to tell me already.

"So.. Last night.. I was hanging out with Cameron, watching a movie. And one thing led to another.. we had sex" She whispered the last part.

My heart completely stopped. They did what?

"Did I hear you right? You guys had sex?" I asked her, quizzically raising my eyebrow. She nodded.

"LAUREN! ITS BEEN LIKE 4 DAYS!! AND YOU DID IT ALREADY?!" I whisper yelled, hoping no one can hear me.

"I know! And I'm sorry! It just kind of happened" She exclaimed.

"Why are you saying sorry to me? It's not like we're dating" I said confusedly.

"Because I thought you liked him?" She answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't. And again.. It's been 4 days. How could I like someone I just met?"

"It's possible" She shrugged.

"Okay. Is that all you had to tell me? I came all the way down here for you tell me that? I could've been eating right now" I said, slightly annoyed.

"You know you could eat down here too. It's not called the breakfast buffet for nothing"

"Whatever" I muttered, getting up and going to get a plate.


"Hey lil Ky" Gilinsky said, popping up next to me.

"Shit" I gasped, putting my hand to my heart. He just scared the shít out of me.

He burst out laughing at my reaction, making me laugh too.

"Hey G" I smiled, using his nick name.

"The guys and I wanna know if you and the other girls wanna come with us to go shopping" He asked, taking a cookie from my plate and shoving it in his mouth.

Pillowtalk // C.D Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu