Chapter2: TextMessage

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It's so insane to watch such killings on TV. Joker's mind was decaying to let the whole world see how cruel was he.

After that week, we went here at studio for rehearsal for our upcoming concert at Gotham, Arena.

Taylor and I were practicing for some acoustic solo called, Feeling sorry. Jeremy was on the other side, practicing his part as bass guitarist.

"I think that's for now," I said while standing up, stretching my arms wide open.

Jeremy got on his feet and placed his bass guitar back on its place. "Let's eat on the outside, I'm hungry."

Me and my bandmates decided to eat in a restaurant nearby at the studio. We ordered burgers with fries, pasta and beverages.

"Guys," I began. "I still couldn't believe of what I had watched a week ago."

"Me too, I was jolting in my seat, imagining what if it was me?" Taylor said, biting his burger.

"This City is damn dangerous guys. I feel sick," Jeremy stated while twirling his pasta through his fork.

"Ye. But at least batman is here. He can take down those villains."

"Especially that Clown," Jeremy poked the pasta into his mouth and chewed it. "That insane man is his mortal enemy. I'm terrified of him."

"Well," I said as I took my pineapple juice. "Forget about that."

Taylor sipped his drink. "By the way, I'm thinking about starting a business."

"What kind of business?"

"I don't know yet. It's either a studio bar? Or a guitar shop."

"I wanted a restaurant," Jeremy slipped in, looking at us one by one. Then he focused on me. "What about you Hayley?"

"Oh," I muttered, "I haven't planned it yet."

"What about being a doctor?"

My eyes got widened when Jeremy asked me that kind of question.

"Hm," I pulled out a deep breath, morseling the fries. "I don't want to be a doctor."

A sudden cut striped in my heart.

Although, I studied and used to worked in Gotham, General Hospital — I've chosen to be a vocalist.

"Jeremy. . ." Taylor slowly swayed his head side to side.

"I-I'm sorry," he exclaimed then he made a faint smile. "I didn't mean to ask."

Silence covered us with his statement whirling in my mind-- feeling the wound of the past ripped open.

* * *

As I turned the knob of the door of my apartment, I immediately flicked the lights on the side. I stepped my feet forward then I shut the door and locked it carefully.

I'm walking upstairs when suddenly my phone vibrated. Grabbing it from my pocket, I noticed it was from unknown number.

"Who's this?" I scrolled down and found out that it's from--

". . . Harleen?" I was thinking why she texted me all of a sudden. Harleen was my best friend since high school. But when we reached college, she and her family moved to Paris; there, she continued her studies in Psychology.

Hi girl, how are you? I know it's all of a sudden... But I've been here in Gotham for about five months. And I'm sorry for not updating you since then. But I want you to meet me and let's have some talks..
Meet me at Arkham Asylum.


"Arkham? Arkham Asylum?" I bit my lower lip, thinking if I should go there to meet her. That place, wasn't my place anyway, I mean seriously?

I reached my room and barely turned the knob, the door swung open when the scent of lavender which I used as a fragrance here in my room, had stricken to my nose. I closed my eyes and inhaled itt as I'm stepping forward. My bedroom was my favorite place in my apartment — after the long day, My bed was here waiting for me.

But then again, Harleen's text message crossed in my mind. My hallucination as if I'm in a garden that full of lavender flowers quickly popped out.

I went on my bed and took a seat on its edge, thinking it all over again. I was in a circle of silence when finally I had made up my mind.

A/n: (Edited) I have improved this chapter a little bit. And, currently rewriting,editing the next chapters of it. Stay cool guys.

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