Chapter36: Joker's Punishment

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I left Hayley in my bedroom for her to have a rest. She fixed herself in her room then I told her to stay in my place, and wait for me until I come back.

While walking at the hallway of the basement where we used to torture people, I remembered how Ded attempted to rape her: Their position, her cracked voice, her begs, her cries, the way she shouted my name, probably to seek some help. I'm so worried about her. I couldn't believe in myself, that she did make me worried— she let me to feel some fears.

"Hayley I'm so sorry for risking your life. I thought—" I quickly bashed my fist against the wall when I stopped from walking. Leaning my forehead on it, I closed my eyes and started murmuring, she's mine. . .

I thought you wouldn't seen her alive. . . like, if he killed her before you came, probably, she's soaking in her own blood, asshole!

"Shut up!" I groaned as I opened my eyes abruptly, looking at the wall as if, it did say it, "It will never happen!"

I interposed my shoulder and continued walking until I reached the basement.

My once trusted goon was sitting on the wooden chair, where I sat Hayley when I made a little torture on her.
Ded, was once whom doing the torturing whenever I didn't want my hands to be dirty, but now, he's the one who's sitting there.

"How dare you, Ded," I said to him when I walked toward his direction.

"B—Boss. . . please. . . don't kill me."

I held the back of his seat on its both sides, then I stooped my body to reach his level, leaning forward so that he could see me, perfectly. As I'm looking at him, my eyes were blaze of fury. I felt a sudden outburst, which made me to kill him right here, right now. I felt bloodlust, towards him.

"You know what is sin?" I asked in a deep, raspy voice.

He didn't make any response. Instead, he squeezed his eyes shut while tilting his head down.

"It is when you laid any fingers on her. . ." I continued, with a calm voice, but my throat was hunger to swallow this bitch, "And you did lay fingers to my Hayley. . . Do you ever have any idea what is the result of that?"

"I didn't mean to!"

"I will kill you!" After I said that, I backhand slapped him that made his head swung aside, "I did trust you, but you betrayed me!"

I stood up straight, stepping backward as I started rubbing, messing my hair because of the nonstop voices, accusing me for risking Hayley's life.

"Do it, Do it, Do it, Do it— I know that!" I shouted. Like a predator, I tilted my head to him, then I pulled him on his jaw, "Ded why you did that to me?" I asked, with tremors in my voice, as if I'm ready to burst into tears. My face was twitched, because of rage. My veins were disconnected, as the tiny lines have engulfed my eyeball, "Do you know what I'd been through? Do you know it?"

"I'm sorry, Boss!" he cried.

"You should know because, I. trusted. You!" I released a hard punch directly to his face.

Jack! Hayley's voice started running in my head. And for the thought that she's still alive, sleeping, staying in my room, for the thought that I could still touch her hands, A loud chuckles have escaped in me— until it became a manic laughter.

The whole area was surrounded with my loud laughter, all I could hear was it, and the voices, pushing me to end his life.

As I got satisfied, I did stop making some shiver into their spine. Ded was trembling and shaking, while looking at me. Then I ordered my men to bring the toys we have.

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