Chapter51: The Maniac's Letter

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Gotham General Hospital was now in silence as well as the night. People in there weren't still in complacent especially when I'm walking to its lobby, up to its hallways. They didn't dare to contact the GCPD for them to know that I was visiting the hospital— maybe because, I became a little saint these past few days. I didn't care anyway.

While passing the lobby, I quickly went towards the counter to asked what room did they bring Hayley. The nurse couldn't look me straight in the eyes and she was so restless, that she couldn't tell me some Info's.

My eyes have darkened, but still I'm calming myself because I didn't want to start some disturbance for the thought that Hayley was here. Before I could speak, the other nurse beside her took the files and quickly gave me the room number.

"Room 104, second floor," I said to Gio who's behind me.

We noticed that the hallway was so muted, and a slight dim. While walking at the second floor, I quickly dashed over the room 104 and barely turning its knob. I poked my head into it and my eyes became softened when I saw the red hair woman peacefully sleeping in the dim room.

"Let's get inside," I told my henchman.

Walking so carefully, my heart started beating so fast while bit by bit stepping closer to her. I miss her so much; that I wanted to feel her soft skin, to hold her hands. . . I wanted to touch her and feel her warmth. I just wanted to see her smiling at me. But I can't do anything about that; as long as Crane is still here, I know he will continued ruining everything, and this is only the start. . .

With eagerness, I barely took my seat at the side of her bed, caressing her face and her hair. She was so peacefully sleeping. Her figure was now perfectly fine, but still the bandage on her head was still there.

"Hayley. . ." I began. I felt the emotion started running in me as I gazed upon her this closer, "I'm so happy that you're fine now."

I leaned forward, leaving a flicks on her forehead, to her cheeks, down to her lips. When I pulled myself, Hayley suddenly moved a bit which made my eyes widened. I was about to stand up until I heard her. . .

"Jack. . ." But her eyes were still closed— deeply asleep. Is she dreaming of me? or did she feel my presence?

Before Hayley can see us, I decided to leave her room. I don't want this moment be as hard as a rock, especially when I'm gonna tell her that I will leave her from this moment. That I will start forgetting everything, we once had.

•• •

Dear Hayley,
How are you now? If you are reading this, means you saw it. Um, I don't know what shall I say, I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry. Sorry for not appearing. I'm sorry for not showing myself to you.

I think, our world is too small for us to live together. What I mean is, I wanted you to have and live your normal life that you used to live, without trouble,without the goons, and probably without me. . .

I want you to forget me, and forget everything. I'm not the man for you. I'm not the perfect one for you. I'm just a dumb asshole psychotic killer clown while you? You are the most precious thing in this world.

When I went home seeing you lying on the floor almost dead, I wanted to kill myself for risking your life.
But now, I know you are fine. You will be perfectly fine, without me.

My hideout became a home since you've been with us. I am so happy when you came in my life, but now I will tell you frankly, that I'm looking forward to moving on, and I want you to move on too.

Just forget me and forget everything about us. . . I couldn't be able to make my promises come true—  you know if the feelings is gone, means the promises are already broke.

At least, if I stop loving you, I don't have any responsibility to you. Just don't force the things that doesn't match. We were in different worlds. You are in heaven, and I'm in hell.

Remember, I'm a villain and you are innocent. You deserve someone better than me, you deserve an angel, not a devil. You deserve a perfect life that I know I couldn't give to you.

Maybe one day, you'll be getting married to the man that really fits you and your world,  And I will be in a place where I will dream, that . . . I wish, It was me.

So please, after reading this you can crumpled it and throw it. I'm so sorry Hayley. One day, you will learned to live your life without me and to start that, I won't show myself to you again.

Good bye.

                            Sincerely yours,
                                 Jack Napier

A tear fell from my eyes, as I'm reading this letter. It was a billions of heartaches. How can I possibly forget him? If he's my everything? If I've learned to live my life with him by my side?

I whimpered in so much pique as I hugged the letter as if it was him. My brain wasn't functioning well and I only need him to make me feel comfortable. My heart was sinking in sadness and pains. I need Jack in my life.

Last night, I felt someone touching me; even if I'm sleeping, I inhaled his scent that's why I know that it was him and probably that was the moment when he left this letter.

I've been waiting for him. . . I woke up from the certain death because of him. . . I convinced myself that he was just busy for his so-called business that's why he didn't have the time to show his face . . . I was expecting that every creak of my door, there's a hope that it was Jack, but it wasn't.

If I only knew that it would ended our story like this, I wished we haven't met each other, and falling to one another.

•• •
A/N: (edited and rewritten) Thanks for reading guys! It's kinda short, but I hope you like the part :) stay beautiful.

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