Chapter50: Batsy Batsy

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The day when I left Hayley in the hospital was the moment when I didn't care to go back. Bunch of happiness was written on my face because she made a response, but at the same time, millions of heartaches were now stuck in my chest.

Maybe she's now awake, and maybe she's in the normal room. Maybe she's thinking why I am not visiting, why I am not showing my face to her. Maybe she's now confusingly asking herself what's happening. Or maybe, she's convincing herself that there's nothing wrong. She'll think everything she wanted to believe just to satisfy her feelings; just to make herself comfortable and that's the reason why I have chosen her to be with me in the first place. She made me comfortable, made me feel sane. She was there for me, to believe in me— not knowing that I'm falling that deeply. But the thing had gotten me, was when she never ever told me to change for the better— well maybe she once said that when we're still in Arkham but after that, when we confessed, I didn't hear that again from her. She accepted me for who really am.

It's been so long since I felt being care. . . and from decades, years, and forever, I have finally found someone who'll be there for me and how dare that stupid Crane to mess with me again? He's just a dirt in this world that needed to be wash away.

"Boss," Gio called from behind. I was standing here at the big glass of this mansion I was about to show her before they met an accident. It supposed to be me and her, cuddling all day long in this home I have built for her but it's so bullshit that I'm alone, staring beyond the window while the continuous rain drops, dripping down from the clouds.

I let out a frustrated growl before I answered him, "What?"

"Our men have searched everywhere, but they didn't find him."

"Hmm," I moaned angrily, "Just let him free. . . for awhile. Because I will bomb his life when everything is fine, if Hayley finally recovered. So that I can do my job well without thinking about her condition." I then formed my fist into a ball, with a tight-lipped—pulling out out a heavy breath through my nose.

Gio cleared his throat, "And one more, Boss. . . Miss Hayley have awaken, they said she kept on asking about you. . ."

My eyes grew wider and I felt my face became mild. Again, there's a sharp sudden pain that crossed inside. I didn't make any response, until I heard his footsteps walking out.

I just glued myself here in front of the window, imagining her face smiling at me, hearing her voice saying she loves me. . . and the raindrops, as Crane's dripping blood.

The rain has continuing pouring down, as if the clouds are crying for me. Actually, my life became bright just like the sun when Hayley was with me— when I met her. My dream, my goal was to defeat and take down Batman, make fun with him, bring him in his severe pain, but it had happened that the road of my life turned to the right, and from there, I met Hayley who made me realize that life isn't just a joke, that I can have someone whom I can rely on— and that someone was her. But now, it was just a sudden— temporary happiness, just a dream just had happened in my useless life. I forgot. . . I'm a villain, and a villain like me, doesn't have a normal and would never be have a normal life.

These thoughts were kept on running in my brain as my propped arms against my work table supported my head. I felt so down, I felt so alone. . .

"Hayley. . ." I muttered, "I wish you didn't meet me so that I am not suffering like this. How dare you to fall for me? How dare you to care for me? How dare you for making me feel this way? I want to hate you for everything, but I can't. . .what am I gonna do? supposed to do? When the best part of was always you?"

Rubbing my head, I let out a maniac chuckle, to a crazy laughter. I'm so insane to ask her those questions, pretending that she's here by my side, when she's not. I wiped all the things onto the table when I released an upset scream. Standing up, I've spotted a paper and pen and an idea have entered in my clouded mind.

We're driving along the road of Gotham when suddenly Batman appeared in front of us. It's almost late in the night, that we could see the moon and the stars so clearly. I threw him a glare when I got off my purple car— and my men behind.

"What is your drama now, Bats?" I asked, holding my smoldering temper against him.

"From robbing a bank, banging all the stores, what do you think?" he asked, "And what had happened among Doctor Williams— Frank and Sophia Stone months ago still unforgiven."

I gritted my sliver teeth, dashing over his direction as I pulled him on his nape, "What the fuck are you saying?! I don't need to explain everything to you because you are just nothing but a stupid, asshole fucking intruder!" After saying the last word, I smacked him on his face which made him to fall back a little, "They met an accident and it wasn't me bastard! For you to know, I'm the one who's paying her bills!"

I grabbed my pistol, and before I could shoot him, Batman got up immediately and hid under the darkness, "Stupid Bats!" I yelled, when he dodged over me and left a sting punch against my jaw. Almost falling, I balanced my weight and started shooting him non stop. My men also fired him, but I asked them to stop. It's my battle anyway.

"You are crazy Joker, how can I believe you?" he groaned when he kicked me on my flank which made me to released a loud grunt.

I tossed my handgun on the ground and sprinted towards him, giving him a hit through fist. Batman and I were exchanging punch and kicks. It's helpful tho, at least — the heavy feeling in my chest was lightening my strong cargos of heartaches.

"So are you!" I said when I left a hard punch on his stomach and because of so much anger, I showered him my fist, with my legs. Batman got down, then I left him a strong, hard bashed against his back when he bended down his body to ease some pain on his lower abdomen.

I gasped for an air, wiping away the blood in the corner of my lips, "I'm visiting Hayley, so don't block my way what you have always do, Bats. . ." I spitted a blood on my side, then I quickly got on my car as well as my men and sped up just like a wind.

Batman was left alone on the dark area, groaning in pain maybe because of the cracked bones, and few disconnected curved bony on his ribcage.

Maneuvering the steering wheel through a one hand, I felt also a cracked bone on my body especially on my ribcage too. I held it through my another hand, barely wincing, hissing in pain. We were driving to the Hospital to pay Hayley's bills and to glimpse upon her. I'm sure, she's now sleeping. I also brought her things which I have gotten from the store, and the money she might need, especially when I directly leave her to the world where she belonged.

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A/N: (edited and rewritten) Thanks for reading angels!  This book is nearly done from editing :) comment or vote sweet things

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