Chapter6: The Session

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Yesterday was the best day ever. I thanked god for giving me a chance to experience such a thing because I met that woman.

While I'm in a deep thought, a knock at my door interrupted me. I gazed upon it when two guards with Doctor Quinzel appeared. I sat up, then I put down my feet on the cold floor smiling at them.

"Oh, good morning fellas," I greeted. the two guards went toward me then they put the straight-jacket around my body and knotted it behind.

"Good morning Mister J," Harleen greeted back when she took her seat across the table.

The two guards led me to my chair then they left us.

"How are you?" She asked me when she put down her notepad.

"In a certain way, I'm perfectly fine."

"Good to hear that," she replied. "Let's proceed to our session."

Harleen asked me about things: where I used to live, do I have my family, what's my true name. She's asking me about my previous life, but I didn't give anything, but to refuse her questions.

"It's not important," I said in a deep voice as I looked at her with my blank stare.

She gulped then she adjusted her rimmed-eyeglasses. "Of course it is," she answered. "You need to cur -"

"Cure?" I asked in a playful tone. "Why? Am I sick? Of course I'm not."

"Then why are you doing such stupid things?"

I moved slightly to lean my back on my seat, "Joker was never insane. He was born to be evil. . ."

"Oh. . ." she mumbled.

"What do you mean by oh?"

She looked surprised then she cleared her throat. But before she answered me, she took her pen and wrote something on her notepad.

"I didn't mean anything," she exclaimed when she darted her eyes on me.

Instead of answering her, I made a toothy smile that made her eyebrow rose up.

"Mister J, you need to cooperate," Harleen stated as she grabbed her cup of coffee beside her notepad on the steel table in between us to take a sip.

My smile suddenly faded away; looking at her with a serious gaze. "I'm cooperating, doctor."

She slowly put down her cup, then Harleen twirled her pen when she flicked her bangs over her ear.

"Well, doctor Quinzel. . . instead of talking about me, why don't you tell me about Hayley, hmm?"

Harleen quickly gazed at me after hearing her best friend's name. She wrinkled her forehead in probably confusion


I chuckled maniacally when she started asking me. This is my chance to know few something about Hayley.

"Doc," I began with a smile. "I want to know where she lives, what is her job, who is her family."

Harleen slowly shook her head. She looked disagreed.

"Why you care?"

"Oh, am I look like a caring man?"

"That's not what I meant Mister," she answered, "why all of a sudden you wanted to know everything about her?"

I leaned my face forward then I barely swayed my head with a slightly opened-mouth, enough for her to see my silver teeth. "I will ask her to go with me and be my lady."

"What?!" she yelled with a disapproval face. "Are you out of your mind?"


"Look, Mister J," she said as she put her forearm on top of the table. "Do you think my best friend will go with you?"

"Why not? If not, then I will force her."

"No!" she objected.

I pouted my lips teasingly at her. "Doctor, I love objections." I uttered, "although I love objections, doesn't mean you can object me of what I wanted to do."

Harleen blinked rapidly then she pulled out a deep air. "N-No, don't ruin her life."

"I wont. . . wait, am I look like a destroyer?" I questioned with a slight laughter.

"Please don't." She begged with a twitched face. "Just don't."

I arranged my sitting position with a decent sit; scanning her face, she looked so worried.

"She's going to serve me when I got her," I said. "If she didn't come, I will threaten her that I will kill her fami --"

"Hayley don't have family!" she cut off.

Doesn't have family? I shut my mouth and became silent for a moment. I was looking at her, waiting for her next words.

"Her mother left her, and her father died years ago." she explained. "Actually she's a broken one because of the thought, it was her fault. She accused herself as the one and only reason why her father died. So please, don't ruin her life."

My eyes barely widened. But then again, I managed to grin."Oh, how sad. Tell her that Mister J is waiting for her visit."

Harleen looked away, biting her lower lip.

". . .bad day will always break you . . . I know, I can tell. because I've been there."

After a moment, the session was finally over. Doctor Harleen left my cell and the guards freed me from the straight-jacket.

I'm sitting now on the bed while leaning my back on the wall with a slightly raised leg.

My Hayley. . .

•• •
A/n: (Edited) As you can see guys, I changed the POV here. Instead of Harleen, I changed it into Joker's. Anyways, happy reading and kindly give it a vote if it is good. Thanks for reading! ♥

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