Chapter61: Death

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The night was actually deep when we reached the abandoned Ace Chemical Factory. Hayley called me and told me that she was brought in here and hiding in its corners to protect herself against Jonathan.

But then, the said place actually made me remembered where the Joker actually has born, when the Clown Prince of Crime has been created.

It was middle middle of the night when I came here without noticing by anybody; I was so down and desperate when I had escaped from the Asylum where they threw me.

I had no one.

It's better to end my life, so I did jump down to the pool of acid with the hope that my every cargos would finally washed away— I just thought that; I didn't know that it was actually the beginning. Feeling the insanity engulfing my whole sanity, I escaped death. The changed of my whole appearance was the exact moment of changing my whole life; no one would know my personality anyway— no one would know who really am. . .

"Joker?" Batman's voice woken me.


"We're here," he said, "I contacted Gordon and they're coming anytime soon."
"I want Crane, alive Bats," I said when I turned my head toward him, "I will get his payment and it's his life, so let's go."

Batman and I have entered the factory and it wasn't the same place I was once knew. It was so old and not functioning. Walking into the alley, some strangers have caught us and directly shooting me and Batman together with my goons.

"We need to dispose these!" I yelled when I hid behind a wall on the left corner. Grabbing a bomb from my holster, I threw it without hesitation and the loud explosion can be heard.

"Joker you don't need to do that!" Batman said from the other side hiding too.

I gave him a craze smile, "Damn Bats, I need to do that. . . see? Wave 1 completed."

Gio and the others started repelling to search on Hayley and Crane. While me and Batman we're together, fighting these moron who're blocking our way from the corners we've passed by.

I've got punch on my jaw when the other goon in a black suit has appeared from my side while I'm shooting in my front. Recovering from the hard hit, I kicked him on his flank and stabbed him on his chest.

"Hey don't die, I was about to ask you— fine whatever," I said when I passed over him.

There's still five of Crane's men. I was watching Batman, on how boring he was; he was just punching them, knocking them down, but me? I'm killing.

The man with mustache finally got down when I broke some of his ribs. He fell on his knees, while holding his broken bones, wincing in agony.

"Hey where is Crane and my beloved Hayley?!" I asked when I groped his hair on the back of his head and pulled it down so that he could face me clearly.

He didn't answer me; he was just smiling at me until it became an annoying chuckles. My temper was so very short that I grabbed my knife in my pocket and pointed it to his eyes.

"Answer me, or I will scoop your eyeballs out of your eye-sockets!"

"You will never see her again!" He yelled.

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