Chapter52: Reunited

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Finally, I've been discharged after five days. My hospital room became my shelter where I poured all of my heartaches. You know, I felt like being awaken from a certain death was all useless. Joker didn't appear for days, and then I would just know that he was breaking up with me, wanted to leave me for whatever. I was so lost. Millions of pains were pricking in my chest, and it's hard for me to remove them one-by-one.

A bucket of tears weren't enough to escape this hurtful situation where I am. I felt like I was betrayed. At first, he was so determined to get me, and when I finally in love with him, it ended into something like this. Maybe it's just a temporary happiness, isn't it? Fate will bring you down when you're in a situation which everything for you is so important. People will leave you when they knew that you have fell so deep. And the Joker was my example.

I didn't know who made the explosion in the hideout. It was several minutes before it had happened. And whomever made that, thanks to him, everything in us has changed.

For this moment, I'm currently staying here at Taylor's bungalow house. Before they picked me from the Hospital, Jeremy asked me if I wanted to go back in my own apartment but I refused because I didn't want to be alone, and I'm used to be surrounded by people.

I was sitting in the middle of my bed, with my arms wrapped around my knees. I was thinking about the Joker and it's hard for me to think that I would never ever see him again.

While I'm in a deep thought, someone knocked on my door. I opened my eyes and abruptly lifted my head to see who it is. . .

"Jack?" I said with tremors in my voice. I also felt a warm liquid already forming in corners of my eyes.

"Hayley?" Taylor poked his head into it, "I brought you something to eat."

Taylor started walking into my room with Jeremy behind.

"I'm not hungry," I replied in a gloomy way.

"You have to eat, Hayley," Jeremy said while looking at me with worries in his face, "I don't know what makes you to be like this. . ."

Taylor put down the tray of food on my bed, and I'm just staring at it.

"Jeremy's right, you must eat." Taylor said.

I looked at them one by one and made a faint smile, "I just wanted to see the Joker, and be with him again."

I could see how they got surprised when I said that. If there's something started running in their minds, I didn't know.

"Hayley, what happened to you?" Taylor asked, "L—look. . . Joker kidnapped you for months, Jeremy and I were so worried about you, that's why when we knew that you were admitted to the Hospital, we dashed over there. And now, you're telling us that you wanted to go back in his hands?"

A tear drop started streaming down on my cheeks as I looked upon my fingers, twirling it, "Joker loves me. . . he does love me."

"Excuse me?" Jeremy question in a slight raised voice.

"Okay guys, you might thought that I am crazy for telling you this, but it's true, it's real, Joker loves me! I felt it!"

"He's murderer and psycho," Taylor said as he tried to mitigate the situation.

"No he's not."

"We need to find a psychiatrist, Taylor. We need to consult her," Jeremy said with a firmed voice.

"What?!" I reacted with a slight raised voice with lots of confusions that were written on my face.

Taylor gazed upon him with a wrinkled forehead, "What do you mean about that Jeremy?"

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