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Phil 🦁:Only 1 more day!

Dan👽:Till what?

Phil🦁:Till you move in silly!

Dan👽:Oh yeah 😂

Phil🦁:You've got your stuff?

Dan👽:Yep! All packed and sorted.

Phil🦁:Good!When you come over we can decorate your room whoever you want it.



Dan👽: Yep I want a black bed and a black desk and maybe a black wardrobe but I will have my walls white of course.

Phil🦁:Okay 😂

Dan👽:So everything's sorted and done.So tomorrow is the day!


Dan👽:I'll bring the Hamsters then.

Phil🦁: O.O no...Dan please no.


Phil🦁:I'm begging you...Stop!

Dan👽:Okay I'll stop and anyway I need to...um pack.


Dan👽:Sorry but I can't help but procrastinate.

Phil🦁:ugh just go and do it!

Dan👽:Bye Fil.💕

Phil🦁:Bye Danyul.💕

FuckBoy ; Phan Kik AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant