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If you couldn't hear the music then the please go to my channel.

YouTube: AlyssaTheAlpaca.

Phil's PoV.

What the actual hell is happening?Dan is kissing me?What the flip?
I immediately kissed back because I wanted to.His soft lips against my slightly chapped ones.How can this boy get more perfect?
We eventually pulled away.
"Well that was unexpected Daniel."I grinned.
"You're a good kisser."Dan winked and smiled.
"Thanks.I need to finish off the Chinese..Danny."I smirked.Dan's smiled slipped.
"Phil...This doesn't make us anything:We are two guys who casually kiss."
My heart felt like it was being toured apart into shreds.I quickly faked smiled and looked at him.
"I know...I normally call you Danny so..."I quickly turned away and stared cooking the Chinese.Tears slipped down my cheeks.
"Oh okay...Ill leave you to it."Dan said as he walked away.
I was so hurt and upset.I felt like crying and throwing stuff everywhere.
I decided to push back my feelings and cook the food.There's one thing I can do right and that's cook.

After I finished making the food,I set it out on a plate.I set out all the knifes and forks.I knew Dan was left handed so I put them upside down.
"DAN FOOD'S READY!"I shouted.
"COMING!"He replied.
I put the plates on the table and made a drink for me and Dan and then waited for him to arrive at the table.A few minutes after he came in and sat down.
"Phil..Why is my knife and fork upside down?"He looked at me.
"Oh..I knew you were left handed so I put them upside down for you."I smiled.He raised one of his eyebrow up at me.
"Phil,I write and eat with my left hand.I don't eat like this."He started making a really unattractive position and moved his arms up and down weirdly.
"Oh...Sorry."I looked down.
"Don't be upset..I mean at least you tried."
I looked up and smile at him. We ate our food as we watched Death note.

After we finished,I tidied up our leftovers of dirty plates,knifes and forks.I couldn't stop glancing at Dan.He was just so perfect.I know he hasn't properly forgiven me but he must still like me if he's kissed me?
I can't tell him just yet about how I am in love with him.

I felt something grab me.
"Phil,"A voice whispered in my ear"Kiss me."
I turned around and looked at Dan.I looked at soft lips.I grabbed his collar and kiss him.He licked my bottom,begging for entrance.I granted him the access.We must have been at it for at least 5 minutes.
Dan eventually pulled away.
"Okay,I'm off to bed.G'night Phil."He said as he walked off.
"Goodnight Dan.."I looked down confused at what I did and why he suddenly pulled away as left me.

I was hurt and I missed his lips against mine.I shouldn't kiss him anymore.

I heard a noise coming from my phone.It was Kik message from Chris

Chris😱:Hey Philly💕


Chris😱:What's up my Smol bean.

Phil🦁:Chris I'm older than you tbh and nothing .-.

Chris😱:Phil...What's wrong?

Phil🦁:Dan,He keeps kissing me and then leaving me quite quickly..

Chris😱:Has Dan seemed different? more outgoing but less happy.


Chris😱:Has he had mood swings?Too many.

FuckBoy ; Phan Kik AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant