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Okay here's the smut...We I may or may not have borrow from tumblr and other fics...I mean you can't blame me I don't really write smut.

Dan's PoV.

I felt something touch me.
Someone was kissing me.
My eyes shot opened. Phil..
I sat up and looked Phil.
He got under the blankets and started to kiss my neck.I moaned softly.
"Shh.."He said again.Phil took my top off and started to kiss my collar bones.
I took his top off and that's when it began.He pulled my trousers down and I was left in my boxers.He smirked and pulled them down,leaving my member springing up.Phil's eyes were wide.
"How can that be so small..."He giggled
"Oi!"I said. "8 inches is not fucking small."

He laughed and put his lips against my penis.He began sucking and sucking.
"PHIL!"I moaned.My back arched and the pleasure was making my body tingle all over.

I couldn't breathe.My whole body was locked into one position.I felt a pit in my stomach.
"Phil,I'm going to cum."I told him.
He removed his lips from my member with a pop.
"We can't have that can we?"He smiled.

He took his trousers off and also his boxers.Fucking hell he's big.I stroked his dick and it sprung even further up.
My eyes were huge.

I was on my hands and knees and Phil put his dick in my arse.
"P-Phil..."I moaned.He began thrusting.My head knocked back..He was thrusting faster and faster.My breathing became faster.I arched my back into a position.The pit in my stomach became stronger.
"IM GOING TO CUM!"I told Phil.
"Hold it Dan.."
"I can't!"
After a couple of seconds,Phil told me to let go and I did as soon as I did so did he..I felt a liquid substance.

We both laid down..
"Wow that was interesting."I smirked."Does Jesus approve now?"
"Shush up Howell"Phil pushed me.I almost fell off the bed.Phil pulled me back and we cuddled until we both fell asleep.

I opened my eyes to reveal that Phil wasn't there,I check was still in fact naked.So I knew that last night did happen.I smiled and put some clothes on.I walked into the kitchen and saw Phil making pancakes.He stopped as he saw me.
"It was meant to be a suprise"He smiled.
"Thank you."I walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek.I sat down on the breakfast bar.He put the pancakes on the plates down and I said thank you.I ate them gratefully and got my phone from my pockets.I had a message off Monica.Great this bitch ruining my life.

Monica:So I've been thinking and I'm sorry for wreaking yours and Phil's life.I didn't realise how much of Cunt I was being and I'm sorry.I am nothing and now I'm going to do the thing that I should have done and kill myself.Goodbye Dan.

I looked at when the message was sent.
3:29 am..
I panicked silently in my head.Phil turned on the tv and the news came on.

"27 year old Monica Gellar,Manchester,died today of suicide.She left a note to her fellow family members and friends.Her note said she killed herself because she was psychotic.She was diagnose with bipolar disorder.Sadly she didn't want to apart of this world.She left in her letter to someone called Phil. 'I am sorry that I tried to wreak your life,You were my first love and my last' I'm Sarah Pascoe reporting to you live from the Gellar household."

I couldn't believe it Monica actually killed herself.Should I be happy?Sad?
I looked at Phil who had a pancake in his mouth staring at the tv with terror.

I felt like my world was being turned around.Does that mean no more drama?Can me and Phil live a drama free life?
All these thought were running through my mind.I delete the message from Monica and stood up and kissed Phil's head.
"It's okay Philly."
"I'm not upset or anything...Does that make me a bad person?"Phil looked at me.
"No..That doesn't make you a bad person."
After he finished his plate,I cleaned it up and hugged Phil.
"Tell you what we'll watch some movies,What do you want to watch?"
"The notebook?"Phil said.
"Seriously?"I laughed
"I've never seen it."

We watched the notebook and Phil was cuddled up to me and I smiled.
"I love you.."I mumbled.
"I love you too.."

We just sat there cuddling..God I want to spend the rest of my life with him..He makes me smile.

-Le time skip by 4 months brought to you by a stupid author-

Today was the day!Today was the day I'm going to ask Phillip Michael Lester to marry me.I am praying he says yes if not I'm gonna look like a complete twat.

I have the ring in my pocket and we are going to some fancy restaurant...Yay!Hint the sarcasm.

"Phil!We're gonna be late."
"That's not the only time you've said that."I smirked
Phil finally walked down stairs and we were out the door.We got in the taxi and after 10 agonising minutes we finally arrived.

We went in and got our table.I was sweating so much.
"Dan are you okay?"
"Fine.."I smiled
"Phil can I ask you something?"
At this moment it was life or death..

Yes I left it on a cliff hanger but you got smut so shush.
I think it's time that I show you guys my ugly potato face...
Here we go

Yes I'm ugly

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Yes I'm ugly..Sorry.
Also two updates tomorrow and I am thinking about opening all my messages on either a Wednesday,Friday or a Sunday.



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Me now.}
If you want to send me a quick message on Kik or any of my social medias please do so.I actually do reply believe it or not. :3

K ily

Sage( Cloudydanny ) is my slut and Ree (babysucculent ) is fucking gorgeous okay happy now?


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