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Phil's PoV.

I couldn't make out what had happened right in front of me...Dan was laying on the road.There was blood all over him and the road.I was in shock.I stopped staring at him and my adrenaline started to kick in.I got my phone out and rung 999.They were sending an ambulance and a police car. The car who had hit Dan quickly rushed off.I quickly thought fast and I took a picture of the template.
The template was M0n1c4
Which was strangely familiar.
I looked back at Dan.
"Don't die Dan please.I need you so much.Please don't die."I started to cry"I love you Daniel James Howell.Please don't leave me"

In the distance,I heard sirens becoming louder and louder.
"The ambulance is here Dan.They are coming to help you...Please don't go my brave bear."I whispered as a tear streamed down my face.The ambulance came and the paramedics asked for his name and age which I told them.They put Dan on a stretcher(Gurney for you American lot) and into the ambulance.
One paramedic started checking his pulse.He looked at the other one.
"Get me the automated external defibrillator"The paramedic that checked Dan's pulse said.The other nodded and got a machine which had two panels on it.He held them and turn in the machine.The paramedic out it on Dan's chest and shouted "Clear!"
A shock caused Dan's body to have a muscle spasm.They did it again and Dan looked like he was breathing again because he chest was going up and down.Tears were falling down my cheeks.They told me I could come into the ambulance and we could go to to hospital.I sat down on a chair which was next to Dan.I held Dan's hand and just looked at him as stayed by his side.
"You're my brave bear and I love you."
"I...love...you...too..."A little voice said.
"Dan?"I looked at him.He made no sound and his eyes were still closed.It must have been my imagination.

After a while,we arrived at the hospital and I walked quickly as they pushed Dan into the A&E.They stopped me as they reached a point.
"Sorry,This is as far as you go.You can wait in the waiting room.We will keep you updated."The paramedic said as he smiled at me.I nodded at him.I walked over to the waiting room and say there for probably 3 hours.

I was fed up.I walked over to the receptionist who was a girl around her 20's with blonde hair and Emerald green eyes.
"Hi..."I smiled.She looked up at me and smiled back.
"Hi,What can I do to help you?"She asked.
"Um...My friend got hit by a car and I just want to see how he's doing.."I looked down then back up at her.She nodded and looked at her computer.
"Full name?"
"Daniel James Howell"
"Okay it says his name,age and no additional information.He must still be in surgery."She looked up at me and I nodded.
"Thank you."
"Listen love,You look tired.Why don't you go home and I'll call you if I hear anything."She told me.I nodded and gave her my phone number.

I walked out the hospital,feeling sick and light headed.The toxic fumes were going to my head and my stomach couldn't handle it.I ran to the nearest bush and threw up.
"Are you okay?"A voice said.I looked up to see a girl with wavy brown hair and pale skin.
"Receive some bad news?"She looked at me.
"No...I receive no news."I told her.
"Oh...My names Eden."
"Nice to meet you Phil."
"You too Eden."
"Have you gotta car?"Eden asked me.
"No..I take the bus"I answered.
"Listen,I mean this is in the nicest possible way.You look like shit."
"Yes but I'll gladly give you a ride home."
"I can't.I only just met you.I mean you could be an axe murder."I chuckled.
"There's always that possibility."She giggled."I promise I'm no axe murder and I won't kill you or kidnap you."She smiled.
"Okay...But I won't be pleased if you kill me."I laughed and Eden giggled at my stupid sense of humour.
We walked to her car and she unlocked it.I climbed in and Eden got in and we closed the doors.She stared the car...

After 10 minutes of me giving Eden directions and her nearly killing an old lady,we finally arrived at mine and Dan's flat...Dan..I really miss him.
"Thank you Eden."I smiled.
"Anytime Phil.Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?"She asked me.
"Sure!Here I'll give you my number."I smiled.She handed me her phone and I put my number and my name as Phil🦁.I gave her phone back to her and got out the car.
"Bye Phil."
"Goodbye Eden."
I shut the car door and watch as Eden drove off.I opened the door and walked into the apartment.I put my keys on the counter and walked into my room.I put on my pyjamas and lay on my bed and just stared at the wall and thought about Dan.I was tossing and turning.All I can think about was Dan.
I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep...

I am literally so tired.
Anyway new chapter and who do you think could have caused the car crash?
I haven't got anything really interesting to say.

So what do you think is going to happen next in the story?


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