33./The finale.

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~Le time skip by 2 months after the house party~

Dan's PoV.

Wow...I can't fucking believe it..I,Daniel James Howell is marrying the Phillip Michael Lester.It seems like yesterday I was messaging him on Kik asking for his nudes.Now I'm marrying him.

I put on my black and white suit and Chris to come in.
"Hey Dan.."He smiled.
"Hey Chris."I smiled back.
"No...I'm all good in da hood"I was sweating.
"Yeah that explains the sweat on your massive forehead Brendon Urie."
"Shut up."I laughed mockingly.
"We need to get going Danny,Cars outside."
"Yeah...Give me a second."
He nodded and walked out.I looked at myself in the mirror.

Well this is it Dan,You are marrying Phil and you two will finally be happy.You will put aside your FuckBoy ways for anyone except from Phil.Now remember...Don't fuck this up!

I walked out of the door and hitting it off the frame.
"Fucking hell...Why does this happen to me?"I put my hand on my head of where it hurt
"YOU OKAY DANNY-BEAR?"Peej asked.(no Peej no)
"I'm okay Pj "I smiled and carried on walking with my hand on my head.

I sat in the car with Chris,Tyler,Troye and Connor...Seriously as we were driving all those three were doing was kissing each other..Ew PDA.

I looked at Chris and smiled.He looked back at me.
"Don't be worried Dan.It will all go as planned.You and Phil will get married and we will all get pissed."
"That is probably what will happen to be honest."I laughed.

It was probably the longest car journey in my whole life...Fucking hell this is torture.
"Dan..."Tyler's voice said.I looked up at him.
"Don't be so nervous Danny...You and Phil shall live happily ever after because I am the faggot fairy here to make your dreams come true."He laughed.I burst out laughing.
"Thanks Tyler...So when you threw getting married then?"I asked them.They looked at me as if i ran over there pet and looked at it and then reversed the car so I made sure I killed it.
"Nope nope nope."Troye laughed.
"ARE WE THERE YET???"Tyler complained for the fourth time now.
"Tyler I told you 3 minutes ago..no we aren't."Chris was becoming agitated and very pissy.

"You okay?"I asked him.
"Yeah,Just this car journey is taking too long."He said.
"I know...We're nearly there now anyway and Peej is in the car with Phil,Louise and Eden."
"Why am I imagining Phil in a bridesmaids dress.."Chris laughed.
"I have no fucking clue you weirdo."I grinned.

We finally arrived and Tyler rushed out and fell to the floor.
"Tyler stop with the dramatics,It was only half an hour."
"Well it felt like 40 minutes.."Tyler said.

Phil was already inside.We had to wait for the fucking ring bearer which was Cal...He was late as usual.

I saw quite a tall figure run towards us.
"IM HERE!!!DON'T START WITHOUT ME!!"It was Cal with the rings.
"You try finding a bus Manchester.People are lethal here."Cal laughed.
"Ugh buses."
"Shall we get started then."Chris said.
"Yep."I smiled.

We walked in and here comes the bride came on...Are you taking the piss?Im clearly a dude thanks.I looked around and saw people see me.I did an award peace sign and scurried up to the front.

"Ah,Ladies and Gentlemen (and nonbinary people ;) ) We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between this man and woman.."He pointed to Phil for man and then me for woman.
What the fuck..
"Oh...I mean man..Sorry but your hair.You look like a tall lesbian..Anyway let's get started with a few Hymns and then we shall processed"

FuckBoy ; Phan Kik AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant