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Dan's PoV.

All I could see was black...Just black.I could hear voices but I couldn't move or see anything.I just have to sit there and listen.
"Monica...I can't go through with this plan.."A girls voice said.
"Yes you can and you will otherwise your little brother won't be able to have that treatment which I'm paying for May I add."
"But Monica,That boy seemed so sweet."
"Trust me...He broke my heart and now I'm going to break his.."
"Why?I can't believe you made me run over someone."I could hear someone crying.
"Just stop crying and carry on with the plan.Anyway the Emo boy is going to be okay..."
"Now let's get out before he wakes up.."
I heard distant footsteps and I could feel a twitch in my hand.I could actually move... I still couldn't open my eyes.I just waited and waited patiently...Fucking hell this is taking the piss..I just really want Phil..

After a while I could feel my eyes opening slowly...I opened them to reveal a blonde nurse.
"Hello love...Are you Daniel James Howell?"Her voice was oddly familiar..I couldn't move..I just looked at her."Okay you seem paralysed from the neck down...Blink once for yes and twice for no"
I shut my eyes tightly and opened them quickly.
"Okay...Do you know what happened?"
I blinked twice.
"Okay...Do you know a Phil Lester?"She asked
I shut my eyes again and opened them.
"You've been hit by a car and whoever hit you had drove off.."She told me.
"O-Ok-ay.."I managed to say..
"Sweetie,You can't talk for now..You vocal cords need time to repair and you need some rest.Ill call your friend,Phil Lester.For now,Close your eyes and sleep."
I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep...

"Dan..?"I heard a voice..
"Dan?!"I heard it again..
"Dan!!"I opened my eyes and looked at a boy with jet black hair and striking blue eyes...Phil.
"H-H-Hi..."I choked out.
"Shush..Dan don't talk,Do you understand what's happened?"Phil asked me.
I didn't know how to answer,Does he know what the blinking means?
"Dan I know what the blinking means.."
Wait..Can Phil read minds?
"No..I can't,Your eyes tell me can tell me what you want to say.Anyway Do you understand what's happened?"
I shut my eyes tightly and opened them..The nurse with the blonde hair came in.
"Hey Daniel!"She smiled "Hey Phil!Ive just came back with the test results and you have 3 bruised ribs and a slight concussion.Nothing serious but I recommended you taking some paracetamol to help with the headaches..You're one miracle Dan.Most people would have died or at least broken most of their bones."She told us.
"I-I-I fe-el f-fine"I told them.
"Yeah your vocal cords may be a bit damaged from the way you landed.So I suggest you don't talk for a while."

After 2 hours of trying to move my hands and feet.It finally worked.I got my phone and texted Phil.

Dan👽:Ugh...I really hate hospitals.

Phil looked at his phone and back at me.

Dan👽:They remind me of death and how people die here everyday and how doctors and nurses have to deal with that people are dying.

"Wow...Are you hungry?"

I looked at Phil and smiled.I typed on my phone.


Phil nodded and walked out.After a couple of minutes I heard footsteps.I automatically thought it was Phil but I was incorrect.It was a girl with brown hair and very pale skin.

"Hi.Im Eden,Are you Phil's friend Dan?"The girl said smiling.

I got my phone and typed on notes

Hi yes I am.Phil went out to get food.

"Oh okay."Eden smiled "how are you doing?"

I'm doing okay I guess.They have to keep me in overnight to check on me then I get to go home :)

"That's good."Eden said as Phil walked in.
"Hey Eden!"Phil smiled.
"Hey!!..Um Dan would you mind if me and Phil go out tonight?"Eden asked me.

Of course I did mind but Phil needed a break after worrying about me so.
Not at all! You two go have fun. :)

"Are you sure?"Phil asked.
I nodded my head slightly to show him I didn't mind.
"Okay thanks Dan!"She smiled.
They both walked out of the hospital room and I was left alone.I decided to sleep.So I closed my eyes...

I received a rude awaking by something moaning..Wait moaning.
I opened my eyes to see Phil and this blonde bitch practically sucking each other's face off...Wait that blonde bitch was the nurse that helped me.
"G-G-Get O-O-Out!"I screamed at them.
They were startled at the sudden outburst that over took me but I was so full of rage and hurt.Phil looked at me shocked and scared.
"Hey Dan what's up?He was slurring his words.
"G-GET T-THE F-F-FUCK O-OUT!"I screamed.

The blonde nurse scurried out like a rat she was and Phil looked at me and grinned.He was drunk.
"I-I S-SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!"I managed to say the sentence whole and Phil quickly walked out.
I started crying and hitting my pillow until I fell asleep.
Why did I deserve this pain?

So sorry for not updating in forever but I had a good reason okay ;3
And ily and guys... Me and babysucculent are dating!!!

So all you alyssathesucculent shippers out there.Your dreams have come true ;)

I'm going to be doing QOTD btw

QOTD: Do you ship Tronnor or Troyler.

AOTD:Both tbh ;3

FuckBoy ; Phan Kik AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant