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**PREPARE TO CRAFT,Get your scissors and paper or your glitter and just do it!**

Dan's PoV.

Well it's now or never,As I looked into Phil's precious blue eyes.Nothing matter anymore.It was just me and him.Everyone else in our surroundings were gone.

"Phillip Michael Lester..."I got out of my seat and went down on one knee and got the box with hand the ring in it"Ever since the first day I messaged you on Kik.I knew I'd want to spend the rest of my stupid life with you.Ever since I watched you on YouTube,You made me feel like I belonged and I felt like I was worth it.You made me feel special and loved.You made me feel whole.All my life I've never had a best friend now I have a soul mate who I would want to spend the rest of my life with...Will you marry me?"I opened the box and looked at him with longing eyes.He was tearing up.
"Dan I don't know what to say.."Phil said.
"Please don't make me look a twat in front of these people Philly."I laughed.
"YES!"He got up out of his seat and I stood up.He hugged me.Ever
"I love you so so much..."I whispered in his ear.
"I love you more llama.."He kissed my cheek.
"How shall we celebrate this momentous day Philly?"
"House party?"

I couldn't believe it.I asked Phil to marry me..What happened to my horny ways.Now I'm getting married to the most beautiful person in the world!

Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to meet my idol and sometimes I just don't know how he loves me.

After we finished our food,We headed straight to our flat and we called everyone in out contact list to come to our party.

As soon as everyone agreed.We got ready,Phil went to the liquor store and got us all the alcohol we needed.I got ready into a new ellipse t-shirt and black skinny jeans.I sorted my hair out and waited for our guests to arrive.I put the classical emo music on and the first to arrive were Connor,Troye and Tyler..They came to visit London from America.

"HELLO BITCHES!"Tyler shouted.
"Hey!"Connor smiled
"Hi..."Troye said looking at the ground.
"Glad you guys could make it.."I smiled
"Yeah good to see you to Dan..WHERE'S THE DRINKS?"Tyler looked at me.
"In the living room Tyler."I giggled.
He dashed out into the living room.Connor and Troye were looking at me as if to say where Phil was.
"In the kitchen."
They nodded and walked away from me.The door bell went and it was Chris and Peej.
"Hey!"They said in unison.
"Hi..Come in.Drinks are in the living room.Tyler,Troye and Connor are here.Phils in the kitchen."
"Okay."They nodded.

After Louise,Zoe,Joe,Alfie (Fucking hell),Jack Harries,Finn Harries,Jack Howard,Dean,Simon,Cal,Laniey and Greg (Onision) arrived we were almost packed.I heard the door bell go again..It was Eden.

"Hey Dan!"She smiled.
"Hey Eden.How's the arm doing?"
"Fine.How's Phil doing?"
"Fine,He's in the kitchen of you want to speak to him."
"Thanks."She said and walked over to the kitchen.

I got a shot of tequila and necked it down.I saw Connor,Troye and Tyler have a three-way kiss.
"You all a thing?"
"Pretty much.We decided that we all like it each other so why not be a three way joint."Connor smiled.I nodded.
I've never seen that happen before but okay..

I felt something kiss my neck.
"Hello Philly.."I turned around and Phil smiled at me.
"Shall we tell them why we had this house party?"

I turned the music off and got up on a chair.
"excuse me.."No one was listening.They were either too busy talking or kissing."Excuse me!"Still nothing
"OI STOP KISSING!"Eden yelled.They all had there attention on me.
"Thanks..The reason why I arranged this house party was because me and Phil are getting married!"

There was cheers and shouts of OTP is cannon and someone..I think it was Tyler shouting "DADDY KINK HERE WE COME"

I smiled and got off the chair.Everyone shaking mine and Phil's hand,congratulating us on our in engagement.I still couldn't believe I was engaged to Phil.He was literally perfection and he was mine.

We carried on party and I kept necking down shots till I was pissed.Phil and I were dancing and laughing.

It was 12pm and everyone was still dancing and giggling.I felt a bit tired and I was still pissed.My eyes were getting heavier and heavier.I just couldn't keep them open.I was knocked out cold...

So Phan is engaged!Wow that's amazing.Anyway 40k reads wtf thank you so fucking much!!Anyway if you guys do want to message me.Thanks awesome :) I love to get your messages.Also guys I am not pretty or beautiful or a senpai like literally I'm an ugly potato who spends most her life on the Internet. You guys are too kind and amazing

Also Cloudydanny is soo cute >.<
And so is babysucculent Ily both


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