currently making a trailer&A serious talk.

1.4K 74 49

Hello guys,gals and non binary pals.

I am making a trailer to celebrate FuckBoy getting this many reads and being ranked.I never thought I'd get THIS many reads.I kinda thought I'd get 100 or 200 if I was lucky but then 21k reads came and I was literally over the moon.Im so grateful to have you lot!

Honestly I know I've said this a hundred times but I love you all and I well and truly mean it.You are all individually special with your own talents.You can change the world.Whether you're a person who likes to make other people happy,A geek/nerd who likes to share their knowledge or someone who hasn't yet discovered their own calling.If you are that person,Don't worry you aren't alone.Im going to quote Dan on this because I believe very strongly in this quote.

'You are a human with one life and it's up to you to make it the best life you can'

Don't be put down by society and how it tells you to be something which you are down right not! You are beautiful and amazing!I promise you.If there was a such thing as a perfect girl/boy you are it! You are all the same whether you are brown,black,white,gay,straight,lesbian, bisexual,pansexual,Girl,boy,non binary or a different type of sexuality/gender.
Society is the one that lies.
Not the people.

You ARE a human with only ONE life.

Don't be that person who's life is a never ending place of regret.

Change this world.You have the power to do so.
You can change by being you not some mask that hides your natural beauty and perfection.

Yes you have your flaws but who doesn't.That is what makes you human.
For that you are even more perfect.

Here's my quote.

'Don't be a potato,Be a Kawaii potato'

Which means:
Don't be someone you're not.Be yourself.

Please don't let anyone think you aren't amazing or beautiful because you are.

I love you all!
I truly mean that.

Be safe and stay strong.


Stalk me 🌚

Wattpad : AlyssaTheAlpaca.

Twitter: AlyssaTheAlpaca

Instagram: AlyssaTheAlpaca

Snapchat: alyssah2202

Kik: AlyssaTheAlpaca

AskFM: AlyssaTheAlpacaXD

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