Chapter 4 Sadie the mean and horrible

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I'm in class on Friday minding my own business when who walks in but Sadie, Ethan's girlfriend. Her hair is more blodne her eyes an icy blue. She walks over to my desk and slams both of her tiny hands down and smirks. "Chloe, so your boyfirend is on tour?  That's great could I maybe get oh tickets?" she asks. "Yeah go ask ticket master!" I say sarcasticly. Her fake smile falls. She sits on my desk. "Hey get your fat, well little ass off my desk." I say. She turns and looks at me. "Look I'll only say this once, If you get me Ashton's autograph and number I will not bug you for the rest of your life at this school, if not well things will be quite hard on you Chloe." she says. 

"Hell to the no you are not getting  anythign from me, why would I give you something anyway? You're so mean to me." I say. She gets off of my desk and sits in the back. Lunch rolls around and I'm walking to my locker when I feel a pair of hands shove grab my shoulders and jerk me backwards.  I stumble and fall foward and  into a locker. My head collideds with it and I blink back the pain and tears in my eyes. Then the same hands yank me up by my shoudlers and spin me around. I'm face to face with Sadie her blue eyes glitter coldly. "Hello Chloe." she says smiling. She  pins me to a locker her eyes bore into me. "Let go." I say through gritted teeth. She lets go and I'm surprised then she slams her tiny hand into my stomach. That hurt. I slide down the locker and  groan holding my stomach as she yanks my bag open and grabs my lunch. Thanks. 

Oh but the day just gets better. I can't find my home work and I get detention but I soon find Sadie stole it erased my name and out hers. On my math she cheated off my paper, and in art she broke my  sculpture. I'm so done when I leave school I mark off my clander. Only two more months until this year is over. I can't wait. 

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