Chapter 12 Never Be

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Luke P.O.V

I feel my hand curl into a fist as Austin walks in his brown hair is damp his blue eyes widen when he sees me. "Chloe are you ok? I just heard what happened that's horrible!" He says. I stand up and walk over to him and get in his face a bit. "It is awful huh? You clearly did not see she was under the influance did you?" I say. He gulps eyes trained on mine as my anger rises. "Look she was fine at the party weren't you?" He asks Chloe says nothing her face pale as her eyes shiift from me to Austin. "You did not know she was already with someone?" i ask. "No I did she told me about your fights I was their for her while you were running around the world playing stupid music." He yells. I take his in my hand and shove him against a wall. "IT"S NOT STUPID MUSIC!" I scream I'm not even afraid of anyone coming in here. "Oh yeah?" Austin counters he punches my lip. I taste the blood and slam my fist into his own nose that crunches. I want to beat him to a pulp but not here, not now. "Luke.." Chloe utters I see her scared face that's paler then a few minutes ago. "Chloe I'm sorry I.. just snapped ok?" I say my voice crackes as I go to her bed side and rub her hair. Austin glares at me his hand on his nose. "You know what you can keep her." He spits as he walks out. Chloe starts to cry and I say nothing. "I'll be back later tonight I have to go home to get something." I say. She nods as I pull away.

I walk out to the lot and see Austin his blue eyes on me. "You could have protected her at least." I say. "I woulden't have to if you were here for her." He says. I roll my eyes. "Look she's taken by me and no one else so just leave you never cared about Chloe anyway you only wanted to party, drink, and have sex with her is that not true?" That is when his confident smirk fades his eyes dart to mine and I know I've caught him. He says nothing as he gets in his car. I get home and take a shower and text Ashton. I get dressed and fall asleep by accident. I wake up at seven and drive back down to the hospital to be with Chloe. She's asleep and moaning slightly. I hate seeing her like this. I sit next to Chloe and brush her hair from her face and kiss her cheek. "It's all right baby." i whisper and get another moan in return. Her eyes open slowly as she looks up at me.

"Hi Luke."

"Hi." She smiles but I can tell she's hurting as I put my arm around her shoulders. "You'll be okay the docters told me your recovering and maybe you can come home. I have to go back on tour next month." I say. She nods her fingers intertwined with mine. " I love you so much, I was wondering if I could come on tour with you since Darcy is with Ashton cause honestly I can't be without you Lukey." She says. I kiss her softly and hold her hand under the blankets. "I'll see what I can work out. Just get some sleep your mom said she would be here in the morning." I say. Chloe nods as I get off the bed.

"No don't stay here." She says I nod as she lays on my chest. " Sing to me." she says softly her gray eyes looking up at me. " We'll never be as young as we are now it's time to leave this old and white town..." I sing in her ear and kiss her cheek. " Luke?"


" When tour ends can we... go on a trip maybe I missed you..." She says. I nod as I brush her hair away from her face. A few minutes later she goes to sleep. I text Ashton that she's okay and I'll try to be back soon and if Chloe can come. He says he'll ask before he stops texting me and I go to sleep


Chloe P.O.V

I wake up to feel Luke beside me as I hear a door open. I turn my head to face him and kiss his cheek as I intertwine our fingers. " Morning Lucas." I say softly. " Hi sweetheart how are you the docters say you are doing well and that you can leave tomorrow." My mom says as she sits next to me. Her eyes land on Luke and she smiles. " He's been here all night huh?" I nod as one of his eyes flutters open. " "What time is it?" Luke asks rubbing his face with one hand. "Nine am." I reply he nods getting up and going our into the hall. "Mom if I can could I possibly go on tour with Luke I mean Darcy is with Ash and it's not a lot of places left just the rest of the US please?" I beg. She sighs and nods I'll see. Luke comes back a few minutes later with a   cup of coffee as he sits  down in a chair next to me. " If you want to come on tour you can." Luke says my eyes widen as I look at him. "Really?"  I ask excitedly. Luke nods. " If it's okay with your mum." I look at my mom who frowns. " School is starting in a few months Chloe I think it's better if you stay here you two can always skype." I look at her my mouth drops open. " But mom... you... why?" I ask tears burn in my eyes Luke looks at me  sadly. " You just can't do it." She says. " Why that's not a good reason." I say" My mom just shakes her head. " Besides won't it be better to see Luke when he gets back?" I sigh feeling anger building. " Why are you doing this to me?" I whisper as I watch Luke leave the room. 

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