Chapter 9 Black Out

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Chloe P.O.V

My phone rings as I get dressed. I't's been three months since I saw Luke and were fighting. I need him the distance is killing me. We skyped for twenty minutes before he had to leave. I text him and he always says he's with the guys or  is busy and can't take a second to see me. That and this girl Aubry Lafond  has been getting quite cozy with him. Luke would never cheat on me would he?" I ask myself as I lace up my black vans. I pull on a jacket as I go downstairs and into my car. 

I drive until I reach the college campus where their is a party every night. i see some guys leave probably on the way to the beach. I go up to one of the frat houses where tons of people are outside. I know no one, and that is exactly what i need. I'm greeted by loud techno that soon changes. I go in the kitchen and find tons of alcohol. I take a red cup and pur some clear liquid into it and take a sip. It's sweet and burns. Hmm voldka is my guess. I lean against the while watching people dance and girls grinding on guys in too short dresses. Everyone is pretty much wasted.  I take a gulp of my drink. 

"Hi." I hear a guy say. I turn and end up spitting my drink everywhere. I blush as the cute guy  stands next to me. "I'm Austin by the way and you are?"  I smile before replying "Chloe."  I  say as I stare into his bright blue eyes. "You want to go dance?" He asks holding out his hand. I nod as I take it and go to the front of the house to hear a song blaring over the speakers. Austin smiles at me as he twirls me around. I laugh  the voldka is taking over as my stress  about Luke and I dissapates. I move closer to Austin and attach my lips on to his. His mouth is sweet like cherries as he kisses back. His hands are on my back  and going up. "You are a good kisser." He mubles as I press my lips to his neck. I can't think over the thumping music. He picks me up and my legs wrap around his torso as I kiss him all over. He cocks his head to the stairs as he carries me up them. He opens a door to a dark room with a huge bed. He lays me down and misses my neck as he climbs on top of me.  

"You are  beautfiul Chloe." He breaths his breath hot on my neck. I giggle as he plays with the bottom of my shirt. "You can take it off it's hot in here." I say. He pulls of my shirt  as  I lie   their in my jeans and bra.  "Tell me if you want me to baby oh how I want you I really do..." He says his voice sends my heart racing. " I.. don't know I just met you.." I say. "But Chloe your smo- I mean you seemed stressed I can relive you of that... How about we just try it or you could  use those pretty lips of yours..." He purrs. I have a bad head ace now and this seems odd and now very scary. "N-no I have to go." I say sitting up the whole room spins rapidly before my eyes. Austin shoves his body on mine making me fall back onto the bed. "Please get up." I whisper. He kisses my chest and my neck. "Stop I have to go home." I stutter vile building in my throat. "You need another drink I'll get you one." He says as he gets up. When he leaves I sit up and the room spins again. Wow I'm drunk. I stand and feel my legs shake.  I  look for my shirt but feel the bile in my thorat rising. I swallow it back and put on my shirt. I walk down the stairs and outside. I see Austin with a red cup but he dosen't see me. 

I get in my car and I'm driving home and trying to get the smell of voldka off of me as I get a coke from a fast food joint on the way. I have a killer head ace and really feel like throwing up. I'm driving when I notice a car in the  distance swerving a bit. I ignore it as I drive in the direction of my house trying not to slide off the road. I regret going to the party, meeting Austin. I almost lost my viirginity to a guy I hardley knew.  I'm about to turn when It happens, A car hits me and my winsheild shatters I feel part of it hit my arm and blood ozzes out onto my hand. I can't move as everything gets fuzzy. My body burns with pain as I vaugly remember seeing some red and blue lights. A guy asks if I can move my head. I let out a weak moan before I black out compleatly. 

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