Chapter 16 Long Way Home

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Chloe P.O.V

I sit on my floor wondering if the white dress covered in cartoon black skulls that i packed is a good idea for a dinner where your meeting your boyfriends dad and brothers for the first time. To be honest I'm panicked. Luke told me his dad lives in Melbourne which is a one hour flight and we'll be back tomorrow. Not only that but we've been together two years and he says nothing about his dad or maybe he did and I wasn't listening? I look down at my black vans that are sitting by my open suitecase. I go and take a shower before Luke gets here. " I get out the shower and get dressed and stand infront of the mirror and look at my make up and fix my purple lip ring. I look okay as I mess with my curled hair my eye shadow brings out my gray eyes that Luke loves so much. I pull on some thin jeans and a 5 sause shirt that Luke gave me for my birthday. I hear the door and almost trip down the stairs to get it. I smile when I see Luke on the otherside. "You look stunning by the way." He says as he walks in wraping his arms around my hips and bending down to kiss me. " I'm just in jeans and a band t shirt." I say biting my lip. Luke laughs and wraps his arms around my hips and bends down to kiss me. " Hello Luke, see you two tomorrow sometime?" My mom says from somehwere in the kitchen. Luke looks at me surprised she knows he's here. " That eyes in the back of her head thing." I say rolling my eyes. " Yep." He repondes before I grab my suitecase and go to his and we get in the car. " The drive to the airport is akward as Luke talks about his dad and how he can't wait to meet me. I try not to take out my phone and text Olivia that I'm freaking out.

An hour later were in Melbourne. " Is your brother picking us up?" I ask now regretting that we did't drive nine hours ( atleast we would have a car) " Yeah Jack is." Luke says. I nod nervously. We walk outside as a gray car pulls up. I hold Luke's hand and try not to panic again. " Hey Jack this is my girlfriend Chloe." Luke says. Jack smles at me. " I'm Jack, Luke's older brother." I look at Luke then Jack to try and find some resemblance, Luke is considerably taller yet, they both have blue eyes and brown hair so I can tell that they are related in someway. " Ready you two?" Luke nods and takes my hand in his and sqeezes it. We get in Jacks car and drive for what feels like forever before we stop at a house. " Who's house?" I ask. " My other brother Ben's." The drive is not too long until we arrive at Luke's brothers house where we have dinner. For the first half of the dinner I don't say a word but watch Luke and his brothers talk and I smile when needed. I can feel his dad looking at me and probabl judging me. I mean I had no time to change into my dress I packed I feel akward. " Could you excuse me for a second?" Luke looks over at me confused and ends up following me upstairs where I find the guest room where my suite case is. " You okay?" He asks. " No I feel so akward and I feel like your dad disen't like me." I say. I pull off my t shirt with out warning as I pick up my dress. Luke pulls his eyes away from my medium sized boobs before speaking. " No thats not true Chloe." Luke says. I fluff my hair as I throw my jeans and t shirt in my suite case as I wrap my arms around Luke's neck and kiss him before pulling away. " I'm going to change to be right down." Luke says. When he comes back downstairs I see that his hair is quiffed and he's in black skinny jeans and black converse and his Pugs Not Drugs shirt. "Someone is casual this evening." I comment. Luke smiles and holds my hand under the table.

"So Chloe how did you two meet?" His dad asks. " Well I moived to Sydey from Los Angles and I met Luke at school." I explain. " She crashed into me while on her skateboard down the hall during the first week of school." Luke says. " Yep and here we are!" I say and laugh. Luke bends over and kisses my cheek making me giggle slightly. " You two are so cute." Jack comments I blush as I look down at our intertwined hands. " Well it's great seeing you but Chloe and I are going on a little date tonight." Luke says. I look at him surpised. " Oh okay." Luke's dad says. Luke gets up as I follow him to the kitchen with my plate. " Where are we going exactly?" I ask. " Just a little drive." Luke says. He unexpectedly picks me up and  spins me around his lips crash on to mine. I giggle pulling away as he sets me down. " Dork." I say Luke  pretends to be hurt before I smile. " But your my dork.


Luke P.O.V

I look at Chloe sitting shot gun next to me as we drive into the night. I love going on night drives  and I love it even more when I'm with Chloe. " You want to  drive past my old school?" chloe nods her gray eyes seem to sparkle in the night.  I turn  up the radio and find that Time of your life by green day is playing  making me smile. " So take the photographs and still frames  in your mind, hang them on  a shelf in good health and good times." Chloe sings her voice is soft and calming as she sings along. I want to join in but I don't want to break the peace of her singing. She looks over at me and kisses my cheek softly. We get to the  school and  park. I grab my guitar from the back seat as Chloe climbs over the fence into the school yard. " Glad I changed. " She says runnign a hand though her hair. I say nothing as I climb over being careful with my guitar. We sit in the cool grass as the moon lengthens our shadows. " You want to hear a song I wrote?"  I ask. " Of course Lukey." She says. I smile as I pull out the guitar pick she gave me and begin strumming. 

Take me back to the middle of nowhere back to the place only you and I share 

the memories and make believe the fireflies and make belive 

  kicking back at the old school yeard singing songs  and my guitar  this is out reality crazy tupid you and me  we know this is the way it's suposed to be

so where taking the long way home, cause I don't want to be wasting my time alone... Chloe smiles and begins singing along as she lays her head on my shoulder.  " I love it Luke." she says.  I take my hands off the guitar before turning to look at her and the way the  moon hits her face. In this moment I feel  so calm and like nothing could break me. I leaned in toward Chloe who leaned in to and kisses her. My lip pressed agaisnt hers our lip rings rubbing against eachothers. I pulled away and kissed her nose before she climbed over me and sat on my out streched legs where I wraped my arms around her and held her. " Your like a star, sometimes I don't see you but I know your are always their." i whisper kissing  behind her ear. Chloe smiles as she closed her eyes and leaned into me. I ended up carrying her back to the car( I did't want to wake her) The drive back was  pretty short. Chloe opened her eyes as I parked. " What time is it?" she asks. 

"Midnight." I smile. 

"Lucas past curfew shame on you!" She scolds and laughs as she gets out the car. We  go right up to our room where Chloe changes and climbs into  bed. I get in bed  and  wrap my arms around her hips letting her smaller body spoon into me. " Night Luke." She says. " You too baby." I  whisper back 

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